I took an intensive anxiety workshop and learned that I was "white knuckling" most of life (in chronic burnout). Before my DX I did not know I was anxious... it was my way of life. Now, like what you are saying, I am learning to have grace for myself, articulate and pursue my needs, deescalate sooner and it's getting better.
BTW - If your instinct is that it's not good for your career to take a break, ok. If it's b/c other people are telling you that, forget them. Against everyone's advice, I quit my professional job without a job -as a year of underemployment passed (I was busy with "gig" jobs thanks to ADHD), even my therapist was super nervous about my career. But as is my way apparently, when I was refreshed, it all came together (not without bumps, but still): I got a new job in my field with a 40% pay raise, so taking time to recover from burnout boosted my career. Not for everyone and certainly a risk, but possible.
Wishing you wellness as you find your way and learn to thrive rather than survive.