For women only.
I've had throbbing pain in one boob for months. It feels heavy and sore but not to the touch, just in general. There are no lumps and it's not red like inflammatory breast cancer. I'm not inverted. Texture normal. No heat. I get routine mammograms and I've never had a problem on them. My last one was in May 2022 and it was fine. My grandmother and my aunt both had breast cancer so I get mammograms more than most women my age, but it's still a concern.
I'm post-menopausal so it's nothing to do with my cycles. I'm not pregnant. I'm not injured. Actually I do have a breast injury but it's on the other one. The other one seems more at risk of having signs of breast cancer but it doesn't hurt, and my mammograms are clear on both sides regardless.
One of them just freaking hurts, 24/7, no matter what I do.
I'm seeing my GP but not until the end of next week. I want to know if this is normal or something I should be pushing for extensive testing. I have so many health issues I hate adding one more to the list or looking like a hypochondriac especially when I don't have any signs of cancer.
Another weird thing is that I still lactate a bit, 26 years after I've stopped breastfeeding. I get my prolactin levels checked and my doctors keep saying it's no big deal. I think it's extremely bizarre, if not problematic.
I'm just looking for reassurance I guess, that I'm not crazy.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.