Yes! It is definitely related.
I have had endometriosis and it made my whole life..insufferable, because at the time, doctors (male doctors of course) had no idea what that meant.... until recently that I am my ovaries do not produce enough oestrogens... My parents used to say I am lazy. I used to lack any energy for the half of the month and the rest I was trying to rest from the extreme fatigue. Plus the strains of undiagnosed autism, made me want to close myself all day in a dark room. The doctors used to send me away with contraceptive pills and antidepressants, until the cyst bursted and almost died. As a result endometriosis was also causing me severe depression. I also suffered from horrible acne. So maybe yes, we have less tolerance to oestrogens.
Maybe one of our sensory sensitivities, include estrogens. That is my experience.
"All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone"
Blaise Pascal, Pensées (Thoughts)