I have a big house, no spouse, 2-3 people working here full-time (work from home), and four pets.
I'm low functioning ASD and I've had two strokes. I also have crippling ADHD and a ton of sensory issues that make me not want to touch anything. I can't even leave my pitch-black basement during the daytime because of daylight. At night I can't clean because it requires electric lighting which I can't tolerate either.
My best bets are on dark cloudy days around dusk, with tinted glasses.
I just go-for-broke and do what I can. No list, no pressure, no guilt or shame.
I've had a folder of papers in a broken accordion file, sitting on my floor for about two months now.
If I made a list of what to do I'd get overwhelmed and never do anything.
I'm better to just do things as I see them, if I can.
The only thing I do pretty much daily is load and unload the dishwasher.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.