Getting in trouble for menstruation accident
Today at work I was sent to the "trouble room" due to someone complaining I had a bad ordor. I knew for sure it had something to do with my accident from yesterday when I didn't have any pads and I didn't know when my period month starts.
I know this is my fault and I could've asked for a pad. I also probably could've told the truth although I knew they would act like a NPC and say the usual script anyways. I just didn't think I would get in trouble considering I had survive using toilet paper a few times and everything turned out fine. I wonder if I have that one heavy period since it was a lot of blood than usual.
On a side note I am getting tired of this toxic job. I often cry in the bathroom and I don't feel like a human being. I am going to take a break from my driver's test and just apply for jobs. My plan of waiting to quit until I get a lisense isn't working out very well. I'm like a frog trying to jump out of boiling water. :'(