iamnotaparakeet wrote:
If they're trying to be friendly to you, they're probably interested in you as a woman too. If they're subtle about it it's probably because they neither want to be rejected nor want to have a lawsuit. Your response probably qualified as a rejection of interest, but they have no right to be angry. If you're looking for a friend that's a guy, it wont be the one who gets angry for your not flirting with him.
It's hard though. Going both ways, it's hard (telling whether a guy likes you, or making him suspect that you might like him.)
Actually, I usually know when someone fancies me, if I am not interested, or if our interests are forming at a mutual pace. Though not always. The most difficult situation is when I form an attraction to a guy before I know whether or not he's attracted to me. My usual near-perfect "he likes me" radar just
freezes up!
I don't know how a fellow is supposed to know that I like him in a different way from the other guys with whom I talk.

And I think flirting and happy, playful conversation often look very similar. One doesn't wish to appear too obvious, because the journey is as important as the destination when it comes to catching someone's eye and getting to know him. I've seen that when people jump straight to the point, it's often dooming.