The B word is of course b***h. Hale_bopp provides an excellent example of its usage:
hale_bopp wrote:
maldoror wrote:
With all these popularity contests you have around here sometimes I really wonder how many of you do have Asperger's.
That is a stupid thing to say. Why can't people have fun out of this sort of thing? I remember a user named dej tell me a while back that I "didn't have the tranquil personality that comes with aspergers". What an ignorant b***h - the AS community is just as diverse as the NT one.
b***h is a word carrying certain heavy emotional connotations. Broadly speaking, a b***h is a woman who the speaker (or writer in this case) does not like or who has done something the speaker does not agree with. A b***h is perceived as having
arrogated authority, having overstepped the unwritten social norms, by acting against accepted standards of tact and decency (e.g., by bluntly expressing her opinion or by behaving obnoxiously), fairness and equality (e.g., by cutting in line or by taking without asking), and politeness and respect (e.g., by flippantly denying the authority or social status of another or by using crass or unbecoming language). Underlying all this is the notion that the b***h could act otherwise but
chooses not to do so; the b***h doesn't care. An even more obscene (and therefore insulting) word to use is c**t. The approximate male equivalent is the jerk or as*hole.
Some women who try to overcome gender bias are labeled as b*****s because in so doing they are violating generally accepted social norms. Thus the sociolinguistic ramifications of this word are quite serious:
b***h lumps unchecked selfishness and antagonism with assertiveness and equality seeking. The implicit message carried by this word is that women are inferior to men and that they should know their place.
In summary, many women feel strongly about the words
b***h and
c**t, making them women's issues. Language, directly and indirectly, reflects our attitudes and biases. Are you a b***h? Do you know any b*****s? What do you think of b*****s? What do you think of the word