gleameyes23 wrote:
Another question: are there any books out on the subject of women with Aspergers?
Multiple memoirs by women with the dx: such as Temple Grandin & Donna Williams-who seem rather unlike each other, which just shows how the ASD spectrum can encompass a wide variety of personalities/temperaments (and expression of the dx).
Also, I rather enjoyed Jeanette Purkis's "Finding a Different Kind of Normal" (memoir).
Good things have been said about Liane Holliday Willey's books, incl. "Pretending to be Normal" (which I thought was "so-so", but that's only my personal reaction), among others.
"Asperger Syndrome and Girls" has chapters on (and by) some women, too-it's a mixed bag of stuff, at least some of which may appeal (seem relevant).
"Women from Another Planet" is written by several females who were part of an online listserv for ASD. Includes poetry & prose, as well as transcripts of some of their discussions.
However, there is no "general overview" book (that I know of) about "how it is being a female rather than a male" with AS. Assumptions & defaults in great majority of the literature operate from idea that most folks with AS are male (and also that those with AS are children-which is ridiculous & insulting to people such as myself, who are both female and adult).
Quite a few articles (online, from sources in newspapers & magazines) lately about AS & females, though-if you browse the "autism politics, activism, and media representation" section of WP, you'll find more. I can think of a few that I've seen in just the past few months.
*"I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't."*