MissConstrue wrote:
I never did understand the look but don't touch in terms of its different contex as objects, and teasers.
Personally for me I would take it as a compliment to be noticed by a guy but just as any guy would want to be noticed by any woman. As for touching, I didn't ask for sex or to be manhandled.
I have to ask though, in what context is slut being used in this thread?
Everytime I hear the word slut it gets more confusing as I always viewed the word slut in terms of a stripper or one who exhibits themselves to the public to invoke a reaction that wouldn't be suitable for children.
However, I often hear women and men call women who don't exactly qualify for the above a slut. So to me, it's a confusing and derogatory way of telling a female they don't deserve to be appealling to the opposite gender without putting out or asking for it.
For men that want to get noticed I wonder why they aren't belittled to an extent such as this? I guess because the majority of their gender don't work in the secret industry and it's expected of them to put out or in translation, get some.
So I don't really have an answere unless maybe you are referring to chicks that wear very revealing clothes as in skirts that go up to their a$$ and parade around like nobody's business with body language that hints flirtation?
and yes I get sick of that phrase if it's used in a context I'm thinking of.
Yeah.those girls.I'm talknig about them.
I don't mind being checked out, but alot of times, Especially in malls, i get chacked out by older balding men, and then i see a girl
Dressed like that, and she sees the guy, smiles, and acts all flirty as she walks.THese people are ussually udnerage, mind you.
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