I never really wanted children of my own before I met my boyfriend (if I was going to have a kid in the future, I wanted to adopt, since I'm not big on the idea of giving birth and dealing with all of that. I'm more afraid of that aspect of having a child than of actually raising it), but now I kinda want to have my own kids someday. I'm not sure if it's because he's the only guy I've really been attracted to enough to want to create a person that is half me/half him, or simply because he keeps bringing up the subject of what our kids would be like if we had them (with us as the parents, we've pretty much determined that they'd be pretty f-up, but in a good way!), and got the idea in my head. I think he actually wants kids more than I do, which is weird, since usually guys don't seem to want kids even after they have one on the way. Hopefully by time we're at the point in our lives where it wouldn't be completely stupid and irresponsible to bring another human being into the world, I'll be over my fears about pregnancy and giving birth, but who knows?