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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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28 May 2009, 10:41 am

My actual situation, is I am aspie female, 27. almost 9 years years of living independently (in a flat by myself, but always financially supported).
I have to finish my degree this year (if I want to; I delayed it a lot becuase a lot of familiar and life in general issues and problems) Then I totally don't know what to do. I was passionate about what I was studying ( all the other things could wait; I felt I needed freedom first ), when I was younger. Now, I am still a passionate person, but in other things such like in getting a partner (love) and so on. So, that this year I felt in love (because I finally let myself to do that; before I only wanted to study).What to do in that situations ? choose the career (finish and continue in research or investigation as I always wanted to do) or choose the love( is a nice feeling to care about someone so much, and the idea of family, children and so on) and after all these years fghting alone and keeping going on, I feel now I need a person who cares about me ( and I found one who seems he does; and I could finally feel I am free to love) and to whom I can finally trust and rely (after so many person's deceptions, and backstabbings persons in my life ; that hurted me and made me close in myself)
I know for most people they don't think they have to choose, because they can take both things at the same time, but I think I am not (because of my passionate personality, I seem only to be able to focuse in one of those things succesfully) I'm very, very troubled. Any opinions?


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Joined: 24 Feb 2009
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28 May 2009, 10:55 am

It is difficult to find someone to trust and love and have a good relationship with - successfully - especially if you are an aspie.
If you now have found someone and believe you can see a future in a longer perspective with this person then you shouldnt loose the chance.

But it would be recommended of course to keep the relationship and finish your studies as well.
Because I think it would be good to have something to do, next to the relationship. Does he work? Most people do have a job or something to do, like you study.
In fact I would think its beneficial for you to have regular breaks from "your love" and do something else in between.
Its important that you dont focus on the relationship in "full time".
Its easy to fly in the sky and only be happy and loose everything around you when you are in love.
But dont forget that you might fall down very fast when you least expect it, especially if you dont allow anything else in your life at the same time.
What would you do then, if you cant rely on continueing your studies?
