There is little out there for me. I go out, hit the post office, buy some paper, food, gas, and back home.
I sell on the Internet, most things are delivered by post or UPS. No newspaper, TV, I do not care.
I have plenty of time for ice age animals, quirky aspies, and a world network of folks I like.
My last tank of gas lasted three months. Two miles a day.
I have a plan of becoming a hermit. There is no reason for me to live in a city.
I avoid where I live, but when there was nothing, I went walking. I love the earth, animals, plants, just not people.
I have rarely met a person who did not make my life worse for meeting them.
The Internet has changed that, information, real people behind it, buy and sell anything, and never have to meet them.
As it is subject directed, I do not have to deal with a whole human to get the part I want.
It is as if all of the demanding social life was replaced by the filing system for books.
I found a place with free delivery for Chinese food, a block from the post office.
I am free.