Always classed as other, undefined, and ugly versions of same.
Never heard Aspie anywhere but here, it is what we have for group identity.
I do not identify with the medical term, I am not a germ.
Aspie could just as well relate to excess computer time, plus animation. Same results.
AS = Aussie Syndrom,
when you speak English, other English speakers do not understand you, or you them,
What is humorous to one is a mystery to the other,
Jestures, body language, and use of eyes, stare, direction, intensity, are very different.
Stims, Aussie Salute, not found in other cultures, often taken as offensive or threatening.
Goals, entertainment, hobbies, interests, intense and not common in other English cultures.
Strong resistance to therapy, change, and promotes self medication.
Having two hands, invented the two handed beer can.
Aussie was meant as an insult, they missed that and liked it. Now morphed into Ozzie, a bloke from OZ.
Considers The Wizard of Oz the greatest work in the English language, which explains everything on every level.
Ozzie Syndrom, OS, AKA, Operating System, as in, Me mate's OS is DOS, Ctrl-Alt-Del, Upgrade and reboot!
Tends to coin words and terms which have no set meaning in their own language and culture.