A common identity among Aspergers or who think they are

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10 Oct 2005, 12:41 pm

Can I just be a Child of the Earth? Maybe even just a Child of my Mum and Dad?


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10 Oct 2005, 2:41 pm

come to think of it, my name actually means "daughter (or woman) of the moon". anyway, i ain't waiflike, as in sophists quotation, and i ain't most of the other things in there, either.

edit: having looked at the site, for a laugh, seems i'm saturnine. well, i am a capricorn... ho, ho...

Tufted Titmouse
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10 Oct 2005, 2:52 pm

Katze wrote:
TB_Samurai wrote:
Maybe you should explain what you mean by "children of the sun", because I have no idea what you are talking about, and I'm sure that many other people here don't know, either.

do your own homework

I bask in the warmth of your vitriol...

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10 Oct 2005, 5:08 pm

Lyssie wrote:
Katze wrote:
TB_Samurai wrote:
Maybe you should explain what you mean by "children of the sun", because I have no idea what you are talking about, and I'm sure that many other people here don't know, either.

do your own homework

I bask in the warmth of your vitriol...

OK, if you like....... very well then, here is an 'explanation':

Synopsis on Solar Types - Children of the Sun: Prone to extreme emotions, teary as a chil'ds but more elegant. They forget themselves the way children do; you have to remind them it's cold outside or they won't notice they were about to take a walk in a Snowstrom without a coat. They skip meals without a thought and are delicately made, no matter how 'big' they may be in appearance. Solars delight in fantasy but as Adults remain unaware of the brutality of life. Solars create more than fantasies, their creativity emerges in plays and acting. Their active imagination clothes Solars in costumes designed to produce an effect, or to show which part they're playing today. You can;t help noticing Solars. They're hothouse flowers that wilt without the heat of attention, they have no use for your criticism, constructive or otherwise; what they yearn for is your adoration. Solars practice a naive control, trying to trick or charm you into helping them. Solars live an odd and fretful life, restless and frail, swept by the winds of their passions and the demands of their admirers. They are idealistic and optimistic. Their sex drive can be intense. (taken from 'Body Types' Joel Friedlander)

From my persepctive there is a commonality in the pictures of you on this Forum, the texture of your skin, the kind iof clothes you wear, the charm and fantasy that is visible in the pictures. You are like children in the bodies of grown ups, and there is nothing 'wrong' with that, it has a tremendous appeal and irrestiable as long as you arre aware of it.

So what I am saying is that many of you who think they may be Aspergers or kind of weird may fall into this category of Solar. I call them Children of the Sun since this Planet here is too brutal, harsh and unforgiving for this type. Think of Shelley, Lord Byron, Oscar Wilde, Axel Rose, Hendrix, Monroe, and almost all of the individuals in the Rock and entertainment industry. Some of them burn out before they are 30. It's like they have a supercharger fitted to their bodies and run on high octane fuel.

The only exception may be Veritvert, i suspect the is a member of the Rare bird species, thought to be extinct by now, the 'Grey Oxford Warbler'

The structure of this kind of classification is no more off the wall than Jungs definition of Introverts, extrovert, intuitive - thinking etc or the Briggs Meyers indicators. You can make of it what you will, you can dismiss the whole thing or try it for size and if the shoe fits, well then....


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10 Oct 2005, 7:41 pm

I am a Leo anyways and supposedly the "planet" associated with Leos is the Sun.

(But I just think they ran outta planets by the time they got to Leo...)

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10 Oct 2005, 8:21 pm

Sophist wrote:
Gauquelin's Legacy: wrote:
heir habitual posture or expression is wide-eyed and innocent.

Character: Child-like, Creative, Excitable, Gullible, Imaginative, Naive, Over-sensitive, 'Sunny'.

[b]Hey, that sounds like our own SpaceCase, at least the "wide-eyed" part (or so her avatar is).

I really have no idea which of these types matches my physical or personality attributes. They're all mix and match, really. I don't think my physical attributes are very close to a "pure solar's," though. I have the red hair of the Martial type, the full (as in large) lips of the Venusian type, the pale complexion of the lunar type, the slightly below average height of a Martial, and the typically vacant facial expression of the Venusian.

Really, I think they throw in enough personality traits for each physical description so that most people with that physical profile will match at least something. From Saturn I am "austere, cautious, cold"; from Mars I am "honest, passionate"; from Jupiter I am "benevolent, creative"; from the moon I am "cool, dependable, eccentric, instinctive, moody, timid"; from Venus I am "lazy, nurturing, over-indulgent, sensual, sympathetic"; from Mercury I am "critical, intellectual, perceptive, restless, talkative, volatile, witty"; and from the sun I am "creative, gullible, naive."

This is why this astrology is complete bunk.

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11 Oct 2005, 3:08 am

Katze wrote:
OK, if you like....... very well then, here is an 'explanation':

Thank you for taking the time to inform us. I feel much less in the dark now as to what you meant.


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11 Oct 2005, 1:43 pm

Katze wrote:
Synopsis on Solar Types - Children of the Sun: Prone to extreme emotions, teary as a chil'ds but more elegant. They forget themselves the way children do; you have to remind them it's cold outside or they won't notice they were about to take a walk in a Snowstrom without a coat. They skip meals without a thought and are delicately made, no matter how 'big' they may be in appearance. Solars delight in fantasy but as Adults remain unaware of the brutality of life. Solars create more than fantasies, their creativity emerges in plays and acting. Their active imagination clothes Solars in costumes designed to produce an effect, or to show which part they're playing today. You can;t help noticing Solars. They're hothouse flowers that wilt without the heat of attention, they have no use for your criticism, constructive or otherwise; what they yearn for is your adoration. Solars practice a naive control, trying to trick or charm you into helping them. Solars live an odd and fretful life, restless and frail, swept by the winds of their passions and the demands of their admirers. They are idealistic and optimistic. Their sex drive can be intense. (taken from 'Body Types' Joel Friedlander)

This sounds like the psychiatric concept of histrionic personality disorder except the parts about being delicately made and being oblivious to their environment. Histrions are often described as having an almost childlike innocense or naïvité despite their worldliness (as followers of trends, testers of every sense, etc.).

The description of histrionic personality disorder (and, by extension, the solar type) doesn't really fit me. I neither need nor thrive on adoration. I'm not very good at acting. I usually handle my problems on my own, so I I'm not very controlling (I have almost no "charm" to speak of unless social naïvité or being good natured counts as charm). I accept constructive criticism as a helpful second opinion. I do not believe myself to be fundamentally weak but rather strong (yet struck currently by powerful circumstances). I am rarely the center of attention; people rarely even recollect my presence.


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11 Oct 2005, 3:37 pm

I do not subscribe to astrological explanations of how the planets and stars affect a person's personality.

However, I do not totally discount any notion that the universe around us could indeed have such effects since the Earth is not alone but interacts and is interacted upon with everything around it.

If indeed there are such effects, I am positive they are grounded in the Explainable.

Example: a person with Seasonal Affective Disorder is likely to have a lessening in their sex drive during the winter months. Therefore, this SAD parent might be MORE likely to produce offspring at certain times of the year, having gotten their sex drive back when their mood got back to normal as opposed to someone without SAD. Hence, these children are more likely to carrying on such SAD genes as well, even adding to a certain kind of personality type amongst various seasonal births.

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12 Oct 2005, 12:30 am

Thanks Katze;

Though I believe in nothing you said, for I am truly not like that at all.

Thanks for explaining it (Children of the Sun).


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12 Oct 2005, 12:53 am

NeantHumain wrote:
This sounds like the psychiatric concept of histrionic personality disorder except the parts about being delicately made and being oblivious to their environment. Histrions are often described as having an almost childlike innocense or naïvité despite their worldliness (as followers of trends, testers of every sense, etc.).

The description of histrionic personality disorder (and, by extension, the solar type) doesn't really fit me. I neither need nor thrive on adoration. I'm not very good at acting. I usually handle my problems on my own, so I I'm not very controlling (I have almost no "charm" to speak of unless social naïvité or being good natured counts as charm). I accept constructive criticism as a helpful second opinion. I do not believe myself to be fundamentally weak but rather strong (yet struck currently by powerful circumstances). I am rarely the center of attention; people rarely even recollect my presence.

Thanks Neant, now I'm schizo(sp?) and histrionic. Or some odd combination of the two. But a good number of those traits decribed me pretty well.



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12 Oct 2005, 12:54 am

Oh, and astrology is a joke.



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12 Oct 2005, 5:42 pm

Sarcastic_Name wrote:
Thanks Neant, now I'm schizo(sp?) and histrionic. Or some odd combination of the two. But a good number of those traits decribed me pretty well.

Histrionic personality disorder and schizoid personality disorder do seem to be polar opposites in many ways, so you're right that they would make a pretty odd combination.

It's pretty well known that the psychiatric concept of personality disorders (which is an extension of social psychology's personality types to the mental health lexicon) are based off more ancient ideas. There are the ideas of the five humors, temperamental differences, and things like this astrological bunk. It's no surprise that there is some overlap between the two conceptions then.

By the way, I shouldn't necessarily say histrionic personality disorder. There is also the histrionic personality style, which is the more adaptive version. What puts all histrions in the same basket is their dramatic emotional displays (the word histrion is Greek for actor!), their need to be the center of attention, their childlike charm (picture a grown woman acting cutely "innocent"), their emphasis on appearances, seduction, and a vague way of speaking (overly general statements that can't be supported on further questioning; not analytical thinkers by any stretch; the DSM itself was written by someone suffering from histrionic personality disorder combined with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (the need for lists)).