your posts made me chuckle!
My cousins tried to kill me off several times in my youth. They were not particularly 'mad' at me, they just sided with my brother that I was an embarrassment to the family and I needed to go. That cynical attitude made them far more dangerous than if they were passionate about it because I never knew when it was going to happen. Rowing with them in the reservoir and getting tossed in "for fun" and then they rowed back to the shore, leaving me to swim back or drown. Or when they tossed me out from the tailgate of the car and I bumped and spun into the pavement, effectively skinning myself on both sides of my body. That required hospitalization. "we don't know, she must have jumped!" I remember them saying that over and over. Needless to say I left 'home' at an early age only to be arrested and placed in a mental institution for my 'waywardness'. Frankly, I was looking for any way to get out of there, any way at all.
and I have lived in the backwoods with 14 cats, the crazy old lady in the abandoned house, a garden shack, a 12 foot travel trailer, a tent on a stretch of beach in a tropical land, a willow withe wickiup out on the flood plain of a Northwest River, , before I could get it together again and come down the mountain and use my brain and what education I have scraped together in my life to put clothes on my back and food in my stomach and a roof over my head.
I only mention this because when someone talks about what they have avoided in life, I realize how so much of it is simply 'not yet' rather than 'never'.
I have no idea if I am NOT going to end up the on the street. Do you?
Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon