Does Accepting Your Aspergers appear EVIL to people?

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23 Dec 2007, 11:38 pm

Evil's a bit strong, but yeah, there's a bit of stigma attached to accepting your AS. I myself don't often just out myself. I prefer to avoid any special treatment, good or bad, based on my diagnosis. You can't be seen as evil if you're not doing what's seen as evil. I accept that I have AS, yeah, but I don't just accept being the way I am. I work hard on becoming more able, and to Aspies, that's seen as evil by some. It all boils down to personal opinion.

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23 Dec 2007, 11:54 pm

caramateo wrote:
Aspies that think Nts are evil are evil

True, true. It goes both ways. No hate! :cheers:

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24 Dec 2007, 4:03 am

Most people who are evil don't think that they are evil. The terms "evil" and "good" are more of a point of view than anything. Although an extreme example here, Adolf Hitler probably didn't think he was an evil person, but an individual doing good for the world. Yet, some of the things he was accused of is considered as monsterous (I'm sure that there's more colourfull way of putting it, but want to keep it no more than PG-13 here if I can help it).

I don't think of Aspies (or being an Aspie myself) is being evil/good. But I can say that sometimes the interpretations can be missinterpreted. In my particular case, I was happy shortly after the World Trade center was destroyed. Before I tell you why, ask yourselves: is this an evil thought or could it be lead to a missunderstanding?

Now the reason why I was happy, was because I had origionally thought that more than 27,000 people died in that. I was glad that I was wrong in my assessment of the situation. I forget the EXACT numbers, but it was signifigantly less than what I thought (something like 1/10th of what I thought it was, roughly).

Also, another opinion from my own fingeres here, but there's a difference between logical empathy and emotional empathy. If something bad happens to you, or somebody you know, you'd probably feel bad (emotional empathy). If it happens to some stranger, sucks to be him, but why should we give a damn? (logical empathy)

Just a few rantings and ravings from a deranged loonie here, for what it's worth... :)

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24 Dec 2007, 1:35 pm

caramateo wrote:
I don't understand where your ideas are really coming from.
I'm an artsy type, emotional and an aspie.
you are saying that aspies are viewed as evil by the artistic people, when in fact those are the type of people that have
acceepted my ideas and my artwork.

Same here!
I tend to be able to express emotion in my pictures more powerfully than an NT.
I thought this was just me, though, and due to the weird stereotype of "aspies are emotionally cold" I started to doubt my diagnosis.

Not all aspies are scientific.
Some of them are able to contribute to society emotionally.


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24 Dec 2007, 4:49 pm

I would say though, that i do have empathy. i know people with AS are different because all indivadials are different- the way that Nts are different to each other. But i do believe i have empathy. i might not always be abled to show my feelings, but they are there.

Generally, i care about other people. if other people are feeling bad i will try and listen to them and make them feel better. If they are my friends or people i feel close to i might hug them to show i care..

I am able to love. i care about others as i have already said and i love my family, my dog and my friends. I have a couple of close friends who i can totally trust and rely on.

Lastly i am a vegetarian and have been so for over a year. i became one because i cared about the animals and thought it was wrong they got killed for food. I thought the conditions in which they lived where shocking and the brutal ways of kilin them horrible. If i didnt even had a bit of empathy... do you honestly think i would have these beliefs and stick to them?

I might not always know what to say when people are feelling bad but then ive noticed many Nts struggle in that respect too.

Also my grandma died last may and i was upset i cried for months. I took granted of her when she was alive and i did not realize how much i loved her till she was gone....

much love



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25 Dec 2007, 5:17 pm

Novinha wrote:
I can accept myself... but having to be someone else around other people takes some of the meaning out of that.

I feel this way EXACTLY. I really do like and love myself... it's just that interacting with OTHERS is often hell. But I know I need to have some kind of relationships with other humans in order to be fulfilled. I do--maybe some people don't--but I do.

Who was it... Sartre? Who said, "Hell is other people."



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27 Dec 2007, 10:03 pm

i have been told that i am not the problem. it is how peeps react to me. i don't understand why you are expected to get married and have kids and have a job all at the same time. peoples have asked me do you have a boyfriend? just to talk to me i would say no and they would be all you've got plenty of time yet.

what, why is it that if you do not have a life partner or kids by a certain age u are considered a worthless human being? I have not been judged like that since i am only 23 but i have read about 30 year olds (do not know if as or nt) that have chosen not to have kids that get called selfish by their friends. pretty stupid isn't it.

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27 Dec 2007, 10:10 pm

tweety_fan wrote:
i have been told that i am not the problem. it is how peeps react to me. i don't understand why you are expected to get married and have kids and have a job all at the same time. peoples have asked me do you have a boyfriend? just to talk to me i would say no and they would be all you've got plenty of time yet.

what, why is it that if you do not have a life partner or kids by a certain age u are considered a worthless human being? I have not been judged like that since i am only 23 but i have read about 30 year olds (do not know if as or nt) that have chosen not to have kids that get called selfish by their friends. pretty stupid isn't it.

To some people being in love and having children is the meaning of life.

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27 Dec 2007, 10:21 pm

MissPickwickian wrote:
caramateo wrote:
Aspies that think Nts are evil are evil

True, true. It goes both ways. No hate! :cheers:

Absolutely! I've noticed that people with AS tend to view NTs as 'evil' much more than the other way around. It's just fear aggression really. AS sufferers are afraid of NTs and the NT world, so they demonize them. Truth be told, most folks probably don't care what psychological conditions you have.

AS is super important to us because we're the ones living with it day in day out, but most other people simply couldn't care less and only make a big deal of it AFTER we've brought it to their attention.

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29 Dec 2007, 3:12 pm

For example, If they view aspies as having Less EMPATHY, Less Complex EMOTIONS, as being less able to nurture somone, and even souless.

LOL. I dunno about you but my emotions are pretty damned complex! I could prob invent 128 definitions of fear to begin with! The only reason people may think that we're unemotional is because we don't have the programmning to externally broadcast it to everyone. Beyound that we experiance all the major ones, plus an infiniate variation of combinations.

Im sure in the past people probably believe the above more, but some people still have this backward view and hatred of people with aspergers and particularly those with aspergers who are not in conflict wiht themselves.

Are aspies meant to forever live in conflict wiht themselves and veiw themselves as not Human enough and strive to be more Emotional and 'human'?

The only time conflict araises in anyone is when you are trying to be something you are not. For years I did telephone helpdesk work, the single most unsutable job in the world for anyone with Asperger. Don't get me wrong, I was damned good at it, but the sheer effort of will it took to daily speak to strangers over the phone 8 - 12 hours a day, every week day, is not what my mind is designed to coupe with. And of course it lead to a mental breakdown in the end. But now I understand who and what I am, I am no longer fighting with myself. I accept who I am, and I stick to what I'm good at. In this case putting together PC's and writing replies to support e-mails rather then talking over a phone.

No, conflict comes from forcing your square shaped self into a triangle shaped world.

Or are they surely allowed to accept themselves and try to be happy and good people just like the rest of society, only in a slightly different way?

Modern society seems to accept people with Mental Retardation and down syndrome, because despite their low intelligence, They are still seen has having the full complexe range of emotions and able to connect and socialize in a 'normal' way.

I'm bloody clever myself, can't speak for others, but my general knowledge is so beyond abizmal that I don't know simple things. But you get me onto my specialise subject, I.E. Computers, programming, CGI art, website design, etc, I can talk non-stop. Ask as Asperger what he or she is interested in, sit down in a chair and have an 4 hour nap. I assure you they will still be talking when you wake up!

An over praisal on intelligence over emotions/siociability is seen as right wing or even Nazi like. Just think of books like 'Lord of the Flies'. The authoer mocks Piggy who is the insociable type, who relishes science and knowledge.
Piggy is made to look evil and selfish. Only hes not evil or selfish, but is only able to give back to scoiety via scientific discovery, and not through emotion or socializing.

Some people however see aspies as evil, because they are obsessed with 'seemingly' unemotional pursits of knowledge, and are seen by some to lack empathy.

An extremely emotional search for knowledge is more like it. Each subject that an Asperger pick, brings endless enjoyment and experiance.

Ever looked at a cats face? I mean really looked, up close? At all the sperate hairs, wiskers, the patterns, the texture of their eyes. Cause I'm pretty sure your average NT won't have. We pick a subject and go at it until someone or something derails our thoughts

Those with aspergers who do Not show any outward feelings of feeling 'less than human' and look like they are making no effort to be more 'human' are looked down upon even more.

I know somebody (an arty type) who is quite hateful of people with aspie qualities and people who seem to be living happily with aspergers in a typical aspergers lifestyle.

Then he's in conflict with himself, and needs to learn acceptance.

Again, I would like to say, none of the above negative views on aspergers are my own, but merley what I have percieved from some other people.

Ultimately, people need to accept that people with Aspergers are biologically different,

[b] we are NOT biologically different, we simply have a different perception. Just because someone can think creatively, and produce art, while another can't draw a stick figure, doesn't make them biologically different, it makes them mentally different.[b]

and that they need to be understood and to some degree helped, but also respected and praised for their unique qualities.
But most imporatantly, not discrimanted against or prejudged.

And to be seen as equally 'humain' as any other human being


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30 Dec 2007, 6:46 am

Anyone who hates as strongly at these people, are in no position to claim someone else is evil. For nothing is more evil than the blind hatred of any group.

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30 Dec 2007, 7:56 am

i dont care what people think about me... because they dont care about me period...

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30 Dec 2007, 12:43 pm

violet_yoshi wrote:
Anyone who hates as strongly at these people, are in no position to claim someone else is evil. For nothing is more evil than the blind hatred of any group.

That's a beautifully simple statement! I like it!


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30 Dec 2007, 3:05 pm

Ipunes wrote:
OK, Firstly I would like to say, I in know way think that people with aspergers are evil or that any traits of aspergers are evil.

What I am saying is:

Many people (particularly artistic emotional types) veiw some of the traits of Aspergers as Evil and bad to posses.

For example, If they view aspies as having Less EMPATHY, Less Complex EMOTIONS, as being less able to nurture somone, and even souless.

Im sure in the past people probably believe the above more, but some people still have this backward view and hatred of people with aspergers and particularly those with aspergers who are not in conflict wiht themselves.

Are aspies meant to forever live in conflict wiht themselves and veiw themselves as not Human enough and strive to be more Emotional and 'human'?

Or are they surely allowed to accept themselves and try to be happy and good people just like the rest of society, only in a slightly different way?

Modern society seems to accept people with Mental Retardation and down syndrome, because despite their low intelligence, They are still seen has having the full complexe range of emotions and able to connect and socialize in a 'normal' way.

An over praisal on intelligence over emotions/siociability is seen as right wing or even Nazi like. Just think of books like 'Lord of the Flies'. The authoer mocks Piggy who is the insociable type, who relishes science and knowledge.
Piggy is made to look evil and selfish. Only hes not evil or selfish, but is only able to give back to scoiety via scientific discovery, and not through emotion or socializing.

Some people however see aspies as evil, because they are obsessed with 'seemingly' unemotional pursits of knowledge, and are seen by some to lack empathy.

Those with aspergers who do Not show any outward feelings of feeling 'less than human' and look like they are making no effort to be more 'human' are looked down upon even more.

I know somebody (an arty type) who is quite hateful of people with aspie qualities and people who seem to be living happily with aspergers in a typical aspergers lifestyle.

Again, I would like to say, none of the above negative views on aspergers are my own, but merley what I have percieved from some other people.

Ultimately, people need to accept that people with Aspergers are biologically different, and that they need to be understood and to some degree helped, but also respected and praised for their unique qualities.
But most imporatantly, not discrimanted against or prejudged.

And to be seen as equally 'humain' as any other human being.

I think a big problem is that over the last 40 years, ever since the cultural shifts of the 60s and 70s detached and objective reason and logic have become frowned upon, seen by the New Age and Religious Fundamentalist types as the cause of all the world's problems. Reason and science became associated with fascism, corporatism, and racism on the New Age Left and with amoral nihilism on the Religious Right. Fortunately this anti-reason mindset seems to be starting to fade with the rise of "geek chic" culture and the rise of the "New Atheism" of Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens.

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30 Dec 2007, 3:10 pm

Edit: Oops, forgot I already responded to the OP ealier in the thread... :oops:

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31 Dec 2007, 10:29 am

dcforeman wrote:
The only time conflict araises in anyone is when you are trying to be something you are not.... No, conflict comes from forcing your square shaped self into a triangle shaped world.

Excellent point! I am working on this myself; trying not to "force" myself to do things that are "expected" of me (by the NT world), but really cause me extreme stress.
