I already mostly call it something like, autism with a faster rate and and more typical manner of speech development. I don't call it mild or high-functioning because too little is known about autism to even know what "mild" autism would look like, and from what I've seen of high and low functioning autism the terms just are not accurate.
And what I call it seems to be what the word is used to mean right now. And Asperger is not a historically accurate thing to call that. Just as Kanner is not a historically accurate thing to call what many people call it now. (Some of Kanner's patients would almost undoubtedly be called "Asperger's" today, all but one of them could speak, many spoke early and memorized large amounts of spoken information, and the only one who couldn't speak still had a measured IQ of 94 on nonverbal tests and could understand instructions, just didn't look like she was paying attention by non-autistic standards of "looking like you're paying attention".)
"In my world it's a place of patterns and feel. In my world it's a haven for what is real. It's my world, nobody can steal it, but people like me, we live in the shadows." -Donna Williams