Skotch wrote:
hello again WP,
So, a few years ago I met the most wonderful person I could ever hope to know. Soon after meeting him, I learned he had AS. I joined this site for some insight on his disorder and to further my basic understanding (as well as asking many times for advice). Well, for a while I've been very depressed, I've never been able to make friends and never has it been so apperent and painful then then this year at school for me. Crying had become almost a dailey ritual. I couldn't shake the feeling something had to be wrong with me, why couldn't I comunicate with everyone else and avoid peculiar looks. So after a lot of thought, I decided to make an apointment with a diagnostic psycologist. And the docter ended up being the woman who diagnosed my previously mentioned friend, small world. Very soon after we start talking, she asks "Does the term Asperger's syndrome mean anything to you." I neerly fell off my chair. She's 95% sure that's what it is, but I'm going in for testing later in the month to be 100% possitive. I'm still in total shock.
You will never be 100% positive! Besides, do you really need a label to tell you who you are?