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21 Jan 2008, 3:22 pm

I can never read a boss, no matter how hard I try. It's the hardest thing for me to do.

Today she asks me to comment on a paper she's holding in a way I can't see it. I move forward to see the figures, she moves the paper and again I can't see. She insists I give a reply on the figures. I try again to move forward, but now the paper is too far away from my side of the desk, so there's not a chance in hell I'll be able to answer her question. I finally say "Sorry, I don't seem to be able to see the figures clearly from here..." so she hands me the paper and tells me to go to my office and analyze the figures.

Why does life have to be so hard? Why do bosses have to be a mystery to me?

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21 Jan 2008, 3:42 pm

Not sure why, but there has only been one "female" boss that I have liked and have gotten along with...After 18+ years working, I have normally gotten along much better with the male bosses than the female bosses...except the wimpy male bosses, I couldn't stand tolerance for a boss that knows less than me either...hmmm


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21 Jan 2008, 4:24 pm


some kind of 'game' going on there I spose. It's usually an 'I'm better than you' game.


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21 Jan 2008, 4:28 pm

After the first time I worked for a female boss i swore I'd never work for a man boss again.

I think female bosses give me a little more leeway because after all I'm "merely male :lol: "

Maybe its a same gender p*ssing contest that goes on.


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21 Jan 2008, 6:13 pm

TrueDave wrote:
After the first time I worked for a female boss i swore I'd never work for a man boss again.

I think female bosses give me a little more leeway because after all I'm "merely male :lol: "

Maybe its a same gender p*ssing contest that goes on.

NO, some females are just BAD with BOTH! It is AMAZING how many women say they HATE female bosses. Still, I hate MALE bosses also.


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21 Jan 2008, 6:24 pm

I've gotten grief from some of my female bosses but I always handled it better. I think it's because my little instinct "don't argue with Mom" kicked in. :lol:

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21 Jan 2008, 6:28 pm

Is this the Anti-Female Boss thread? If so, sign me up!

Ugh, I very much disliked my female boss. It's like she was on a mission to prove to the world "I CAN DO ANYTHING!" Yes, you can even make people hate you. I get it.



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21 Jan 2008, 6:47 pm

TrueDave wrote:
I've gotten grief from some of my female bosses but I always handled it better. I think it's because my little instinct "don't argue with Mom" kicked in. :lol:

Well, I hung up with a woman yesterday WHILE SHE WAS TALKING! I used to NEVER hang up on ANYONE! She did something I have only known WOMEN to do. Certainly not ALL women, but I don't think ANY men do it. Anyway, it was senseless, and she just wanted to yell which would cost me money and time I couldn't afford, so I just hung up. If she was my boss, and did that, she would have been FIRED, or I would have QUIT.

Still, MOST of my bossses have been male, and FEW have been good.

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21 Jan 2008, 6:50 pm

One of the best examples of this, was a boss I once had at an Engineering firm. I was hired to be the Office Administrator, but was only given the most menial duties. Worse, this boss was horribly disorganized. For some reason he rented two different office locations, and kept changing his mind about which office his employees would work out of! I would show up for work, only to be told that today, we would be operating out of the other office. So the staff would pack up their respective desks, drive over there, get situated, for a day or two, only to have him change his mind again. I tried to have a meeting with him, in which I bought along a copy of my job description and tried to get some idea of what my exact duties entailed, but he got an attitude. When I tried to suggest ideas to help things run more smoothly, he ignored me.I finally quit. And then he tried to prevent me from collecting unemployment benefits!

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21 Jan 2008, 7:13 pm

BTW Greentea,

I kind of followed the sidetrack on this thread, but I have had managers pull the EXACT same garbage on me that they pulled on you. Sometimes, I think they TRY to make sure I can't help. I have LITERALLY been yelled at, asked STUPID questions, etc.... and minutes or SECONDS after getting to my desk, I solve the problem!

Their rants, just on MY time *****ALONE***** cost the company an average of $500 EACH!! !! !!(2.5 hours at an average bill rate of $200/hour!) Yet THEY make more than I do!?!?!?!? INCREDIBLE! On average, with the average attendees, I figure their rants are an average of $2,500 EACH for time ALONE! In my old job, the INITIAL effect(when it was urgent) was a loss of $240,000! To be fair, the bill rates were lower, so that only cost about $241,250 sometimes, with the remainder about $1,250.


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21 Jan 2008, 8:11 pm

Shame on you all.

Here we spend our lives offering Leadership, and what thanks do we get?

When I hold up a piece of paper, it have nothing to do with paper, it is a problem, which I have no clue why it is, what it is, so I call on the person I think can fix whatever it might be.

If I have it, it means I want to get rid of it, and if I am holding it, I do not want it to touch my desk.

There are people who work here, and if I have to do anything, it is because they are not doing their jobs.

The only comment needed is, "It needs to be reworked," and then it is gone. Bosses are not supposed to have paper. There is either a reason it cannot be sent up the chain, or worse, it was, and came back.

Smart employees take it, and say I will get the right person on this right away. Then you get to dump it on someone else, and say, the Boss said fix it.

You have to understand the power of the position, and being understood. If I say deleat it, the next morning a wrecking crew levels the factory, with the workers inside. This is not good for the bonus situation.

If I say why it needs to be fixed, I cross the line where I can get five years in prison, but if I do not read it, just forward it to that department, I am in the clear, and can blame them.

Managers are not just workers with better hair and suits, they are special! In the game of coporate dodgeball, a boss needs blockers. The purpose of the Palace Guard is to make the King look good.

Only Weyland Smithers truely understands.

Now I have to get back to bending paperclips, I am making a set of animals to play with on my clean, empty, and polished desk. Close the door on your way out, and don't slam it!

Paper, who do they think I am, that is the second time this year, or maybe two, coud be two, there was the golf thing, no that was before, back in the old days, when I only had windows on one side, before the corner office, where I can loop airoplanes out one window, and back in the other, well someday, used up all my paper, have to complain about that, yes, I will show Greentea an empty drawer, and ask what she thnks.


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21 Jan 2008, 9:35 pm

Greentea wrote:
Today she asks me to comment on a paper she's holding in a way I can't see it. I move forward to see the figures, she moves the paper and again I can't see. She insists I give a reply on the figures. I try again to move forward, but now the paper is too far away from my side of the desk, so there's not a chance in hell I'll be able to answer her question. I finally say "Sorry, I don't seem to be able to see the figures clearly from here..." so she hands me the paper and tells me to go to my office and analyze the figures.

What your boss did sounds like something an elementary school kid would do. You handled it very well. My eye would have probably begun twitching in your situation, followed by a remark that would not be very flattering.

Also, Inventor - you make me smirk, sir. A good smirk, that is. If I worked in your factory I would do my best to steal the delete key off your keyboard. :D


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21 Jan 2008, 11:44 pm

Greentea wrote:
I can never read a boss, no matter how hard I try. It's the hardest thing for me to do.

Today she asks me to comment on a paper she's holding in a way I can't see it. I move forward to see the figures, she moves the paper and again I can't see. She insists I give a reply on the figures. I try again to move forward, but now the paper is too far away from my side of the desk, so there's not a chance in hell I'll be able to answer her question. I finally say "Sorry, I don't seem to be able to see the figures clearly from here..." so she hands me the paper and tells me to go to my office and analyze the figures.

Why does life have to be so hard? Why do bosses have to be a mystery to me?

She was teasing. Some bosses think it's funny to tease an employee. Then if you don't get it, they feel superior. Yes, it's childish. I've learned to flip the finger at their backs and move on.

To eliminate poverty, you have to eliminate at least three things: time, the bell curve and the Pauli Exclusion Principle. Have fun.