Rainstorm5 wrote:
Automotive engineering and any kind of similar engineering work is good. My son just turned 18 and he's interested in computers and web design. Just remember this: people with AS rarely do well in service-oriented jobs where they have to deal with customers - especially unhappy customers. As long as he does something where he won't have to deal with strangers directly all day long he'll be fine.
Don't you believe it! I experience life through Asperger's Syndrome and I am FABULOUS in my customer service job. I have worked in phone consulting or techincial support for the last 15 years and I am paid top dollar because I excell in treating someone like I would like to be treated myself.
I have them on the phone where they don't use body language or facial expressions (or at least don't try to think I am going to read them over the phone!) I stick to the subject, use my computer skills to investigate their claim, find them their benefits or advise them how to get their best generic drug for a fraction of the price the brand name drug charges.
My favorite calls are the fraud claims, for I can tune into the patterns and see the flaws in the coding or the blatent over charging and feel like a champ when some older folk is saved from financial preditors.
As for empathy and being 'friendly' well, I am an actor from the moment I get on the phone till the moment I get off the phone. And I am a GOOD actor!(I live around NTs all day, I
have to be)
Anyway. your son can be anything he wants to be, and that 'rarely' can be tossed out the window along with all the OTHER myths about AS. I am glad to have been raised BEFORE Asperger's Syndrome was a diagnosis so I was not limited by what those who WERE studied couldn't do!
Last edited by sinsboldly on 24 Feb 2008, 8:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.