People in my life have wronged me, and most people are scum, period! Why not go out and slaughter them all? I choose not to. I would rather enjoy the other things in this life, and people are of little consequence to me. I will let the government eventually come to the same conclusion, and then we can remove the undesirables from society.
Eugenics is a worthy cause, and we should “remove” undesirables from society. Terrorists, career criminals, and violently insane people should all be “cleansed” of their worthless existence. Most mainstream religions, ideals, races of people, and organizations are without blame, and there are bad and good people from each of these groups. We just need to weed out the bad ones.
Why is it that most fanatical ideals are like "Ok, they aren't like us, and we have been "wronged", so lets kills someone!". There is a right time and place to kill someone, and it must serve a higher purpose. Killing filthy terrorists for example is a worthy cause. Kill as many of them as you can. Go USA.
People are naturally violent. We thrive on it. We can blame all the outside influences we want, but didn’t humans create those devices as well? So what came first; The violent people or the violent media?
Violence in the right hands is what makes us strong. It drives us, and it guides us, but senseless violence has no meaning, no effect, and no higher purpose.
War is what made us thrive. Baby boomers, the recovery of the economy, and even the advancements in science and medicine are a result of strife, conflict, and killing. Don’t get me wrong though, because wars should not be initiated blindly, and they should always have purpose.
Don’t give me this peace and love bullcrap either. Peace is always the result of war and death, and to secure the peace is to prepare for war. The pen isn’t stronger then the sword, because it writes in blood which was drawn from the sword, and the sword protects the freedom of the pen. Mercy is also a weakness. Mercy allows the undesirable to escape, spread his lies, and breed with other undesirables to propagate his or her own bad genes.
Let me define undesirable. A undesirable is a person that actively infringes on the rights and liberties of others via violence or other criminal offense. Harmless people with a mental disability would not be considered an undesirable, but a violent rapist would be.
Rapists and sex offenders should all be sterilized and imprisoned. They shouldn’t be allowed to spread their bad genes or harm anyone ever again.
Murders should be killed. Allowing them to possibly spread bad genes or hurt someone again is too much of a risk.
Thieves, gang members, and other violent criminals should be sterilized and imprisoned upon their third offense or first offense if it is heinous enough.
Natural selection. Weed out bad genes and society will reap the benefits.