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Sea Gull
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03 Mar 2008, 9:02 pm

I have a sense of humor. Not only am I easily amused, but other people think of me as funny.
Of course, there are times when I don't "get" someone's joke, but that doesn't happen too often.


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03 Mar 2008, 10:36 pm


Emu Egg
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03 Mar 2008, 10:46 pm

Riddick124 wrote:
I feel that I have a sense of humor, but often my jokes are too smart for my classmates, and they think I am just being stupid.

i hate this, people always cite me as someone with no sense of humor or someone who is too serious.

though i am much more serious/mature than the vast majority of my peers, i consider myself to have a great sense of humor.


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03 Mar 2008, 10:52 pm

sam4 wrote:



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03 Mar 2008, 10:54 pm

I've got a few friends who put in a lot of effort to not be amused by juvenile things. It doesn't make anyone more mature though.

Probably the worst case I ever had of laughing at the wrong thing was during the movie Meet Joe Black. There's this moment where Brad Pitt is crossing the road and gets hit by a car, spun upside down and gets hit by a bus.

It was supposed to be serious.

It took me a long time to stop laughing. I wasn't doing it to be annoying either - it was just very very funny to me.


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03 Mar 2008, 11:09 pm

I laugh when no one else is laughing. >.>

I'm an alien sent from the present, to tell you it's the future.


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04 Mar 2008, 12:14 am

I don't try to be funny, it just happens. Unless I'm telling a story, they can get pretty outrageous. And I don't tend to laugh at one-liners, or most humor. But making me laugh is usually next to impossible, even while under the influence of something. Soooooooooooooooooo...This makes me want to tell a story. So I was at this party, and...


Snowy Owl
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04 Mar 2008, 1:54 am

I don't have one; I get super confused by double meanings, and since I tend to assume that all humor = double meanings, I don't like it.

Tufted Titmouse
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04 Mar 2008, 2:03 am

I definitely do, but it is a very odd and immature sense of humor. I like to do things that other people consider weird, and i often find that hilarious. An example of this is that once I encountered a group of teenage girls and a shopping center (I am only 18 myself), and they we being very rude to random people. At one point they were extremely rude and crude to a very nice father and his young children and that was the breaking point for me, so i decided to have some fun with them. So what did i do? I literally stalked them for several hours and made sure that they realized i was doing it, (usually by staring at them with a very odd and disturbing, nervous look) and when they would acknowledge me i would just sprint in the opposite direction as if i was scared. It may seem creepy, and it was, but I found it hilaroious and had the time of my life. By the end they were yelling "creep", "stalker", ect at me, but i could care less, these girls were as*holes and they deserved it.

Emu Egg
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04 Mar 2008, 6:42 am

It seems that most of you have a sense of humour, but it is a unique and not always understood style. I think I may have a unique and different style lurking inside me too, but I think I'm just afraid to let it out in the fear people would think I'm (even more ) odd and I'd just embarrass myself.

gbollard wrote:
Welcome 7of9,

I don't think aspies lack a sense of humor but we do have two very obvious issues;

1. It sometimes takes us longer to get a joke - because we process information quite differently. Sometimes our perspective means that we don't get a joke at all.

2. We laugh at funny things - regardless of whether they're politically correct or not.

Are you sure you don't have a sense of humor?

Thanks :)

Perhaps saying I don't have a sense of humour isn't entirely accurate. I laugh at some jokes, and find a variety of comedy shows and films very funny, but I don't seem to have the ability to make my own jokes, or make people laugh very often.

marshall wrote:
Are NTs able to fake laughter in a social setting in order to fit in? Or are they are programmed to find things funny just because the rest of the group is laughing? Is laughter contagious with NT's? Has anyone figured this out?

I ponder the same questions too. I often have to fake laughing with others in order to fit in and not come across as an uptight or miserable person.


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05 Mar 2008, 10:06 am

When I was a child (and up to my late teens), most jokes would confuse me. I would take pretty much anything far too seriously and get offended as a result. There were also some puns that were plain disturbing because of the graphic images they gave me, and I failed to understand what could be funny about them. For instance, once, when I was still studying psychology, a friend who was studying said something like, "Oh, hang out your ears /a Russian idiom which means "to pay attention"/ - like, how, on a clothesline with tweezers?" I instantly imagined what she was talking about and just cringed. Then I remember wondering what was supposed to be funny about phrases like this.

In my late teens I gradually learned to recognize the majority of jokes, and came to be amused by them. I also learned to laugh at myself and my shortcomings, which has made life a lot easier.

What makes me wonder though is, there are many types of humor around, and it is also a very culturally dependent thing (i.e., what is funny to a Russian may seem not funny at all to an American, and so forth). It's quite possible to understand only one or a few of those types, and fail to grasp all the others. Sometimes I think that even people who appear to have nosense of humor whatsoever could understand *some* kind of it, out of all that are present in the world.

What seems specific to my personal sense of humor (as with any other visual thinker, probably) is that I am easily amused by phrases that give me vivid images, sometimes the same ones that used to disturb and baffle me before. Sometimes I can be walking down the street and suddenly imagine something unexpected and hilarious, so that I end up grinning like a madwoman and fighting the urge to burst out laughing aloud, and people will look at me funny. This New Year's day, I was with my friend (the same one who made that pun about the clothesline and the ears) at her place, and there was another person with us as well. At some point, I said I wanted to cook some ravioli I had brought, and this person took the saucepan I wanted to use, looked inside and said: "Oh, look, there are potatoes floating in there, - you know, swimming in circles chasing each other" (in Russian, the same word means "to float" and "to swim"). I had this very vivid image of the potatoes swimming energetically in circles, and one of them stopping and gazing at me with these big, black, damp eyes. It was extraordinarily hilarious and I pounded my fist on the table and laughed till I cried. The others were surprised - it was evidently the man's intention to be funny, but neither he nor my friend really expected such a strong reaction from me.


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05 Mar 2008, 3:09 pm

ixochiyo_yohuallan wrote:
Sometimes I can be walking down the street and suddenly imagine something unexpected and hilarious, so that I end up grinning like a madwoman and fighting the urge to burst out laughing aloud, and people will look at me funny.

Now that is familiar....

I never see anyone else reacting that way so I think I can assume it's an aspie thing. I did think it was just a "me" thing for a while but from several posts I've read, I think I can generalize now.

re: the puns and phrases...

Years ago headmaster told me, while I was at school "Close those doors, there's people in them". I had a major laughing fit - and everyone looked at me funny.

Most of the other phrases you mentioned sound like trite phrases - eg: "Pull yourself together". They're not supposed to be funny. I think they mean - "substitute textbook phrase on becoming responsible". ie: They're a colloquialism (slang) response to common situations or problems.


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05 Mar 2008, 4:27 pm

7of9 wrote:
Perhaps saying I don't have a sense of humour isn't entirely accurate. I laugh at some jokes, and find a variety of comedy shows and films very funny, but I don't seem to have the ability to make my own jokes, or make people laugh very often.

You sound exactly like me. I enjoy comedy on television but I just can't get into witty social banter. I've tried before but it never works.

I feel my problem is this. A lot of NTs seem to carry around this big repertoire of pop culture references and general cultural minutia that they can use to make jokes with in just about every occasion. I always have the fear that people think I’m dull just because I don’t have the ability to fill my brain with all that trivia.

It pisses me off that our culture equates wittiness with intelligence. I know there are a lot of really dumb people who can nonetheless impress people with banter and clever sounding retorts. There’s also a lot of extremely intelligent dim wits.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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05 Mar 2008, 11:13 pm

I have a sense of humour, though some people don't always find funny what I find funny.

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05 Mar 2008, 11:28 pm

Like most people here. I think it's just everyone else who doesn't have a sense of humour. They can never "get" it when I tell a joke, so I tend to not tell standard jokes.

I'm actually fairly good at Sadame: "The art of impromptu criticism," and those are usually fairly funny for everyone but the person I'm joking at. But that probably comes under the whole sarcasm thing, neh?

Snowy Owl
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06 Mar 2008, 12:06 am

No. Haha. :D