To be honest, at 9, any friends that he does make are unlikely to be worth the effort for him. Does he talk to any one at school? As long as he's social enough to endure that, things will be better when he starts secondary school (assuming you're in the UK, because I still have noooo idea how the american system works. ^^; ). The problem is, making friends where people already have ideas about you is very, very hard. The few people that were "my friends" in primary school spoke to me for a select time, and then dumped me - a girl I considered my best friend blanked me completely when we got to secondary school (the same one).
Why don't you try getting him to join an after school/lunch time club? I did a youth theatre, and that basically taught me to talk to people I don't like and to be a bit more confident (doesn't sound like much, but it made a HUGE difference). But anything would be good, even things like non-team sports, because when you're not playing you'll still be around other people for that extra time.
nomad21 wrote:
I'm an Aspie, and not one of my real life friends I actually initiated the contact with. They all approached me and befriended me (who knows why), so I don't know what to tell you there. But it is much easier to communicate on the internet for me than it is in real life. It's risky, though, you need to make sure he doesn't get an internet addiction. Make him post on here.

Same as - all my friends picked me.
I would be the laziest girl in the world, but it's too much effort.