Zonder wrote:
Jeyradan wrote:
No slimy vegetables (eggplant, cooked tomatoes, etc.). Except for cooked spinach (but I haven't tried that since I was a child).
No eggs that are not completely cooked (either scrambled and thoroughly cooked, hard-boiled, or over easy).
Nothing too fatty; and yes, I can taste that and it's gross.
If I try, I will be sick.
Dude, I should have just copied your message. If I had been allowed not to eat things, what you mentioned are what I wouldn't have eaten.
Me too. XD Slimy vegetables are the absolute bane of my existence. I don't eat eggs at all any more, unless they're mixed with something.
I didn't used to be too bad until I left home though. There were stuff that I didn't like that I'd choke down, but also, I'm vegetarian (like my mother, although she eats fish too, for which there is a name that I can't spell), so I more or less got to pick my own meals because all the brats would be eating their meat.
Since I've got to uni, I think I've had two meals that aren't pasta, tortellini, pizza, baked beans or tomato soup. I really hate eating out as well.
I would be the laziest girl in the world, but it's too much effort.