Perhaps my most overarching obsession is competance. Whenever i see incompetance in something, especially in something that effects me personally, i have this soul-consuming urge to do it better. Like there is this mud (like everquest without pictures) that could be designed so much better, and so every time i am reminded how crappy this one i know of is, i spend like 5 hours writing designs and story for a better one. Or when my friend sucks at half life 2, i spend 5 hours playing it. Or there is this other game, infantry, where there are people hosting games which give free items, but they abuse their power and drive people away, so i host one for 12 hours at a time serving like a machine and never abusing.
Which explains why i plan to be a teacher. I'm only 19 and i've spent the majority of my life in school, and i remember every teacher i ever had, and i remember every teacher i've ever had. Most of them were very bad. So i have this consuming urge to be a better teacher.
Besides that some of my continuing interests are psychology, sociology, biology(especially of the brain), and well... everything that studies the humans mind, and their behaviors, and interactions with each other and the world.
Also i love to learn... anything. I'm pretty sure there isn't anything i wouldnt enjoy learning about. As long as there are actually concepts to be learned. I have trouble with factoid intensive topics.
I also have a passion to just make myself better. Any time i suck at something i want to make myself better at it. And i usually can, and i can feel myself getting better after each repetition. This usually applies to mental skills, but I am starting to work on my physical health, strength, and stamina. And lately at the gym i can feel my motions getting smoother, and stronger.
Or like if something frustrates me, or depresses me, or somehow causes some kind of negative feeling or is somehow unproductive, i try to change myself to deal with it better. And i usually succede.
And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
My body is a channel that translates energy from the universe into happiness.
I either express information, or consume it. I am debating which to do right now.