Employed or unemployed? (ONLY FOR PEOPLE WITH ASPERGERS)

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29 Mar 2008, 11:19 pm


Sorry for the long post...

I'm my own guinea pig.


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29 Mar 2008, 11:23 pm

Unemployed, but looking for part-time work. I'm allowed to make up to $500 a month, without having any money deducted off of my monthly Disability 2 cheques. I'm in Canada.

The Family Enigma

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29 Mar 2008, 11:29 pm

Employed, I hate having nothing to do.


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29 Mar 2008, 11:34 pm

employed until mid-09, after that, if we get the contract...;)


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29 Mar 2008, 11:35 pm

Employed- Own my own fire alarm ,Nurse call and security system company and i love it ! I also own a mine but i don't work in it very much! Was an underground miner but after my daughter was born I stoped working in the mine because it was too dangerous


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29 Mar 2008, 11:45 pm

Employed-As a financial analyst..I don't have to interact much with other people so I like it. Plus I have to provide for my wife and kids..Gotta pay the bills :D


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29 Mar 2008, 11:55 pm

I feel lost, without a job.

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30 Mar 2008, 12:00 am

I THINK I'm Aspie; I found the term in the DSM-IV using nothing but innate knowledge of my delicate condition of twenty-some years...

By night I work as a driver dedicated to transporting railroad workers to and from their trains. Maybe get two calls in an eight-hour shift, about half-hour to an hour of work. The rest of the time I sit and wait in a van in the dark for a call. Thank God for laptops.

By day I am the county mental health patients' rights advocate, putting all I've learned to take care of myself to work for others.

On top of this, I collect Social Security. Yes, I report all my part-time earnings.


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30 Mar 2008, 12:16 am

alphacent wrote:
Basically, I am very impractical when it comes to money matters. I just don't care that much about riches and success.

Sounds very similar to me. I almost want a job more to feel like a normal human being rather than for the riches or success. This must be a common shared feeling amongst people with aspergers.


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30 Mar 2008, 12:24 am

Wow, this is insane! I was expecting only 7 percent of you or so to be employed and the rest to be unemployed. Last month I came across some figure on the internet saying that something like only 7% of people with aspergers are employed. Is this a faulty figure or would you say it's accurate? From what you guys are saying it's more like 75% of you are employed while 25% or so are unemployed.


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30 Mar 2008, 12:38 am

I got my first job in September of '05 and am still with it.

I was a courtesy-clerk at my store bagging groceries and pushing carts, but for the past 11 months I've been pushing in shopping carts my whole shift for a couple bucks per hour extra, plus I get raises which regular minimum-wage courtesy-clerks aren't allowed to have.

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30 Mar 2008, 12:39 am

Most people with diagnosed Asperger's don't work. I wouldn't use this as an accurate representation of the whole diagnosed population with AS.

Many do work, obviously. It's just not the majority (it runs from 0% all the way up to 40% in the best of cases).


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30 Mar 2008, 12:59 am

Undiagnosed AS-ish something-or-other trolling this thread...mainly because employment is one of my big worries right now....I have held lots of jobs in the past, but always had issues at those jobs..got special allowances because I was "different"...often left jobs abruptly due to negative experiences....or got fired..or could not bear to work longer than part-time

It is very hard for me to find work when I am looking...I might as well have "Don't hire me" tattooed on my forehead..

....Helped run my multi-purposed performance and arts space with my boyfriend for 5 years..but we are temporarily shut down...to the extent that I really need to find a job right now. Making sock creatures is not gonna cut it..

Before Super Happy Fun Land, I had several part-time under the table jobs, which sufficienly covered the meager rent at the little rooming house where I lived for 2 years.


My very AS-ish mom does not work, and has not for years, and when she has worked, it has always been at art supply stores.


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30 Mar 2008, 1:05 am

I have a question for you guys. I'm sick of being in the awkward situation where I am around a bunch of strangers and I am asked what I do for a living. I always wait in terror to be asked this question and I really hate it because I know how most of society views unemployed people. It really bothers me how most people in society figure that if someone is unemployed, they are lazy. Sometimes if I'm not around friends or family while I am around strangers I will make up a white lie and tell people that I'm a computer technician or of some other profession. Anybody out there have tips? Would I be best to make up a lie rather than be humiliated? BTW, I have tried a couple jobs in the past few years but I just couldn't cope with them due to extreme anxiety while around other people so getting a job to avoid this situation isn't really an option at the moment.


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30 Mar 2008, 1:17 am

Unemployed on federal disability.


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30 Mar 2008, 1:24 am

Have aspergers, and I am sort of employed, driving trucks when needed.