Glencannon wrote:
"I fell in love and he broke up bcoz he thought we wanted diffrent things. it took me 6 months to get over him and last week I've been dignosed with it to."
How long did the relationship last before breaking up?
"A part of me thinks he'll start pointing out all my bad aspie habbits that might have ruined the realtionship."
If this is true and not simply an irrational fear, then i would stay away from him, do you really want to be with a guy who is going to place all the blame in a relationship on you? Certainly you both contributed to the factors that caused your breakup, no relationship breaks up solely due to the behaviors of one person.
"or shud i just carry on learning mor bout it without him ?"
I don't think anyone on WP can give you a reliable answer to this, we are to far distant from the details of your relationship. Also, asking aspies for relationship advice may not be the best way to go, since we are probably as clueless as you in this regard, I know I am. Not to generalize, some aspies may have a good understanding of relationships, but they are in the minority.
My advice would be to ask someone who knows the both of you, or at least the details of the relationship, who can give you an unbiased opinion.
In reply,
1. there is no unbiased person who knows us both because we came from diffrent parts of the country.
2. ok yeah asking an aspie for a realtionship advice is kind of not really the best idea. but i mean as an aspie male wud u wanna no? if u dated a girl, who u thought u just had a phobia and u broke up etc.
3. i do know what hes like even after week broke up it was constant its bak and forth "its ur fault we didnt work..ur this and ur this..."
4. its just when the only way to figure out boys is comparing it to exprience and if his exprience turns out to have more to it then he thought (i.e. im an aspie) wudnt he want to know what really went on?