sinsboldly wrote:
I think that the most interesting part is you have a mother that indulges your obsession.
Yeah... Mum doesn't exactly know about it.
Felinity wrote:
"Hot foods cannot be touching cold foods, cold foods can touch hot foods". If cold foods are touching hot foods... doesn't that mix the 2 and when that happens, doesn't the hot food get "contaminated" at the same time?
I can eat the hot food if it's touched the cold, unless the cold is moist, but can't eat the cold. Half the reason is that heat from the hot moves to the cold, the other half is that it's just... Not right.
Felinity wrote:
I can eat food touched by my friends now. Or drink from the same glass. That's a new development. All my friends share their food all the time and interesting enough, it was quite easy to adjust.
People touching my food was never an issue for me. I've never minded it.
Scorpio82 wrote:
Heh. I'm the complete opposite. When I go to a buffet, I make sure I get every kind of food available in one helping even if it means piling it all up on the plate.
See, if it's mixed together, mashed up, blended and what not enough then it just becomes one food. I can deal with that. But if each food is it's own food, yet touching another, only the pure part can be eaten.
FluxCapacitor wrote:
I also eat one type of food at a time like others have mentioned.
I do this as well. Usually in a certain order, but that's flexible and can be changed if I feel like it or need to.