Some insight please? Im driving myself nuts...

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15 Apr 2008, 11:54 am

samantca wrote:
...she says im resistant to therapy cause i should be getting better. She sorta drives me insane :P
I'm not surprised.

When is your assessment due? If you don't want to throw over the therapist because it might disqualify you from other help, ( which I can believe, unfortunately), at least wait, and grit your teeth until you get the new diagnosis which should force them to either change their approach or find you new support/services.

Hang on, ignore such appalling comments/reactions out of the dark age of psychotherapy, ( "resistant" foot ! :x :evil: :x :( ) and good luck for the Dx. :)



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15 Apr 2008, 12:17 pm

Thanks a bunch again ouinon, that made me feel loads better :D

Thing is, shes been kinda unwilling to say where/when ill be getting my assesment cause she hardly knows anything about this herself and had to contact some people about it. I guess ill get a straight answer when i see her next time. Ive always done what she asks of me, i just dont see any progress so to speak. I feel i can function quite ok, i just dont enjoy social stuff as much as "normal" people would i guess.

I just hope i dont have to wait ages to know the answer to whatever tests they might put me through. I kinda just want to make peace with everything, and try and make the best i can out of whatever result i might end up with :)


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15 Apr 2008, 12:20 pm

If I was diabetic and the DR decide to treat it with anibiotics would they consider me "resistent" to treatment or that maybe it is the wrong treatment?

I can go this far in exceptance of desensitizing treatments9which is what she is doing)....if nothing to horrible happens, it does get a little less stressful in some situations. I haven't noticed an improvement in my driving anxiety or job interviews but I can make chit chat with the grocery lady without embarassing myself to much. It's just "acting" and practice doesn't make perfect but it does make it less painful(and we do tend to avoid pain...just like those pesky NT's who don't seem to understand why OUR pain is so weird compared to their normal pain)....Hey, I didnt mourn one day when Princess Diana died,didn't throw me off course at all....but show me some starving limbless kids in Iraq and I will be a wreck for days.

I had a GP tell me that they knew all about aspergers and I wasn't one because I could talk 8O ...she isn't my GP anymore. But if you have to stick it out with this therapist at least be persistent in your desire to see a specialist,as she st least admitted she is not one,that gives you go grounds for asking for a referal. Next time you are accused of resisting therapy(you can say,or just think to yourself), brain seems to be quit resistant to rewiring itself. Just like the blind person whose eyes appear resistent to someone telling them to "see". :lol:

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15 Apr 2008, 12:32 pm

'Getting better' Spoken like a true "empathetic" NT. You may over time, get used to having to deal with these social interactions, but if your problem really is being on the Autistic spectrum, your therapist can't cure you. You will always dislike and avoid those situations whenever possible, unless you feel it's in your own best interest to face the discomfort in that situation and suffer through it. I concur with the group here, you certainly sound to me like a classic Aspie.


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15 Apr 2008, 1:04 pm

Thanks once again, she almost had me believing i was a lost case. Like i was just hopeless or lazy or whatever. I see now from what you guys are saying that im not the only one. There actually is a reason for me not getting "cured" or whatever she expects me to be. Thing is, i dont want to be cured either :P I do like my life, (most of the time anyway) and i do like myself. Atleast i like how my mind works and i dont want anyone telling me i cant be what i am. I cant kill myself and be reborn. Telling me to change how my mind works is like telling someone: "you should have been born a different person". I can fit in yes, but i always notice that i look "odd" to many people who dont know me really well. I just wish she would stop bugging me about these things, ive tried so hard to change and failed horribly each time. Its very draining, and i wish i could spend my time on other more constructive things :?

And i cant believe your therapist actually said that to you :roll:


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15 Apr 2008, 1:21 pm

I can relate to almost all of your symptoms. Be glad you are younger when you learned of Asperger's. I'm 33 and it has been a huge relief to just now understand what it is.


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15 Apr 2008, 1:48 pm

hello samantca, i'm a male, 28 yrs old, and from USA. you sure do have alot of similarities to me as well, i could check off everything you mentioned, alot of people here are also diagnosed with anxiety related conditions, such as social phobia, agoraphobia as well as PTSD, so you are not alone. I grew up most of life with only a diagnoses of a learning disorder as well as depression and shyness and recently been diagnosed with the following at age 26 which pretty much defines Aspergers to nearly 100% of course you know that even the mildest symptoms can get you listed in a evaluation as well. But you may want to take a look at the following as well. i'm on SSD now.

Somatization Disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Major Depressive Disorder
Posttaumatic stress disorder
Schizophrenia (undifferentiated Type)
Social Phobia(agoraphobia)
Cognitive Disorder
Personality Disorder
Visual impairment
Significiant sensory-motor Integration Delay, Hearing loss in left ear and mild sensorial loss in right ear, Disc disorder, intervertebral, lumbar

if you want more information about everything related to autism/aspergers/etc feel free to send a pm to me, I have family who are doctors and no quite a bit about this. Also i'v done quite a bit of research myself on this. so send me a pm if you would like some links p= and information.

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15 Apr 2008, 2:26 pm

Yeah 99% of the stuff you posted applies to me too.

I think you should try a new therapist though. Even if it's just to get a second opinion. Doctors can often get the diagnosis wrong. It helps if you can get more opinions.


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15 Apr 2008, 2:33 pm

Thanks both, ill try to do the best i can with my current situation. I do want to get an assesment done first though, if it turns out i have Aspergers (or not) i might be able to accept things better from there. Right now my head is just filled with all kinds of weird thoughts on the subject and i cant seem to concentrate on anything else. I wish the system was faster, id like to have my answer yesterday! :lol:


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15 Apr 2008, 10:54 pm

samantca wrote:

At my last appointment my therapist told me that i should keep training... She set me a task of going to stores and asking for help with something... anything... The point was that i should train on situations like that. I just dont see the point of asking for help if i dont need any :roll: I can ask for help, but id only do it if i felt it was needed, otherwise id manage on my own. (possibly manage on my own no matter what :P )

I just dont see why she wants me doing stupid things like that. I CAN go to the store, i just dont do it if it isnt neccesary. Fine, training like this has helped me a little bit (like i can leave the house now, which i normally never did) but thats pretty much it. It hasnt made me appreciate social situations anymore, and i dont really enjoy going outside either... And when i tell her these things she sort of says im resistant to therapy cause i should be getting better. She sorta drives me insane :P

The thing most therapists just cannot grasp...they can have you practice this stuff until the end of time...but if you don't ENJOY social situations, you don't ENJOY them...period. The fairy godmother is not going to come down one day, wave her magic wand and change that. :lol:

all people are like that sometimes...

There's your key word..."sometimes". I am like this everyday. :roll: :lol:

I went from therapist to therapist from the age of about 12 when I was diagnosed with IBS and was having problems in GP at the time thought it would be a help, he said I was too "nervous". No one mentioned the word asperger's to me until I was in my mid to late 30's.

Some people have found therapy very helpful, I wish I could say I was one of those people, but I'm not. If you feel like your getting nowhere and cannot relate to this therapist though, I would say shop for a new one.

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16 Apr 2008, 6:54 am

Thanks, i really appreciate your insight. Its hard to see if you're crazy sometimes when everyone keeps telling you that you are, regardless of if you really feel like you're crazy. I will be looking at the option of changing my therapist, im just not sure its possible here due to the fact that there just isnt enough help to get. Anyway, if she doesnt take me seriously enough, ill get my doctor to send me somewhere for an evaluation. Hopefully that will sort things out.

Im glad i mentioned this to someone, and that im not alone in thinking this way. Thanks a bunch for all the imput :)


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16 Apr 2008, 8:11 am

Samantca, you definitely sound like you have AS. Asperger's Syndrome has a nasty habit of being misdiagnosed as something else because it is still not well known in many parts of the mental health community. Based on what I've read and heard AS often gets misdiagnosed as:

Non-Verbal Learning Disorder
Schizoid Personality Disorder
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Avoidant Personality Disorder
Childhood-onset Schizophrenia (many older aspies were given this diagnosis)
Social Phobia

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16 Apr 2008, 8:27 am

Thanks for that info Odin!

Ive been diagnosed with 3 of the things you mention (avoidant personality disorder, social phobia and depression). Its weird that so many "professionals" can get so many people wrong. It kinda scares me that they dont know any better. If the people who are supposed to help you dont know what they are doing, then what? :?

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16 Apr 2008, 8:42 am

yes, not alone!
its so funny reading someone else describe thnigs i have noly ever thought, which have all sounded too stupid to express. i can explain to people i dont like being tuoched (makes me feel sick, and i want to hit them- not a popular response!) . it sounds far worse to say 'i just really hate most people and think they are stupid'... though that is often how i feel. i relate far better to things. things stay put- people are unpredictable- also- they smell, make noise, move baout- they are a nightmare!! !!

anyyway, obviously you cant do anything but wait to be assessed; im also waiting. i also obsessivly research things before buynig- eg- 2 months to buy a new tent! (then wrote to the manufacturers to tell them how id redesign it)= so whatever anyone says, you're just going to go on reading upm, as am i.

but!! i have found that taking high dose b vitamins to be helpful- they're linked to brain function etc, and they def calm me down a little. also yoga, for the same reason- it can be very calming.

(though i did admittedly go through a phase of going to 4 or 5 classes a day- cos- if one is good- then more will be better?! !!)

at least you have relationship and baby- you are lucky. good luck waiting for your appointment. :wink:


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16 Apr 2008, 8:48 am

Thanks bettybarton for your imput. Ive also firmly stated many times that i generally dont like most people (my mom thinks im a total nutter and keeps blabbering about me having to see the best in them) Most of the time i dont like the people i meet, and i keep whitdrawing myself from them.

Its nice to see im not the only one doing very extensive research before making a purchase :P I sure felt like a weirdo a lot of times when i asked a billion questions before buying something. I hope your assesment comes soon, i know its horrible to wait. One can go quite nuts trying to figure it out alone. Lets hope the waiting doesnt become too terrible, ill keep my fingers crossed for you :)


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16 Apr 2008, 8:49 am

samantca wrote:
Thanks for that info Odin!

Ive been diagnosed with 3 of the things you mention (avoidant personality disorder, social phobia and depression). Its weird that so many "professionals" can get so many people wrong. It kinda scares me that they dont know any better. If the people who are supposed to help you dont know what they are doing, then what? :?

I can check 3 phobia, depression, & schizoid personality disorder...although on the last one the therapist that did the evaluation for schizoid personality disorder said I scored in the high range...he said it "didn't quite fit"...he was the one that said asperger's, he worked with children that had asperger's.

In all fairness I think they try...they're trying to evalute you on what they see in a 1 to 2 hour span of time you're in their office. Sorta like don't really know a person until you "live" with them.

*Normal* is just a setting on the dryer.