Liam wrote:
Hi, I just registered because I found this thread in a google search. I know exactly what everyone is talking about. Is this symptom a direct sign of Autism or Aspergers? Or is it something that can effect anyone but is prevalent with Autism and/or Aspergers? Thanks
I know it could happen from other things, but it IS a symptom of autism or AS.
This is ANOTHER thing I never thought was tied to other differences I had. Sometimes it seems like I have to think about a lot of different things(Am I stepping consistently? Am I standing at a up so I would be at a 90 degree angle to the floor if it is level? etc...) This is ODD, because I do some things BETTER than many! I can walk from one end of a 747 to the other in a STRAIGHT line during moderate turbulance and a slight climb or dive without touching ANYTHING, for example! Still, sometimes I seem to have MORE trouble walking on terrafirma than almost anyone else, sometimes! BTW the last time I had problems with this was like 12 hours ago!