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17 Apr 2008, 6:05 pm

Don't watch much on TV but I am very news orientated.

I listen to the daily podcasts from Democracy Now, and BBC. Than there are weeklies like Gay USA, and Political Affairs. I also daily visit various news sites online / New York Times, Counter Punch, Common Dreams, MotherJones, In these Times, BBC, Spiegel, L'Humanite, Granma, Black Commentator....


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17 Apr 2008, 8:43 pm

I used to watch Fox News and CNN all the time. Now I get my news off the Internet. I have to know what is going on all the time. I just have to know or else I fall apart. I need to know if there was a bombing in Iraq or an earthquake somewhere. I also follow the stock market and read business related news. I used to be a lot worse with this and needed to go on, I am not exaggerating here, at least 50 different news sites. This includes international sites as well. I also was extremely interested in the Iraq war so I even went on Iraqi blogs (the ones that are in English of course). They were very interesting because they knew what was really going on there and at times it was pretty scary. At one time I wanted to do a job in the news or something related to it.

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17 Apr 2008, 11:38 pm

I won't give a squirt of piss for the corporate media anymore.

I get all my news from serious sources online.


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18 Apr 2008, 12:13 am

I used to but not anymore. All I hear about anymore is murder.

So simple, it's complicated

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18 Apr 2008, 2:17 am

I don't keep up with the news, it just doesn't interest me much.


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18 Apr 2008, 4:46 pm

ClosetAspy wrote:
I used to follow the news, then I realized that it was only making me more depressed and upset, and that 90% didn't pertain to me anyway. If it's really important, I will know about it. People are amazed when they find out that I don't watch the news and only occasionally get a newspaper. Because they want to know how it is that I know what is going on. Well, I do read a lot (like obsessively), and I do glance at the headlines when I am at the supermarket and I have Internet, but most of it doesn't interest me, like the election. My attitude towards that is like Benjamin the Donkey in Animal Farm, "Life goes on regardless--badly." I guess I was unconsciously reducing the sensory overload in my life before I even knew what that was.

That attitude sounds kinda' like me. Bad **** is gonna' happen with or without me, it'll bother me when I find out about it, so why hurry that guaranteed outrage & frustration ? The news occurs regardless of if I'm there paying close attention. I vote, but my vote is only one vote-am not empowered to rescue the world.

If I were answering this question at various points in my past, I'd have differing responses-there were years that I did regularly watch evening network news & years where I got (and read) the local paper every day.

Currently: I check local "citizen journalism" website & sometimes the websites of local papers, but I generally don't watch the "regular" cable or broadcast (network or affiliate) tv "news programs". I watch Daily Show & Colbert Report 4 days a week, occasionally the various "screaming heads" shows about politics over the weekend, and check in with CSPAN from time to time (can get caught up in hearings about dastardly dealings within the administration's bureaucracy). Also, have headlines on my opening browser page, so I do pay attention-more to my personal interests than to what mainstream or majority consider important. So, I both do & don't "watch the news"-depending on what "counts" as doing that.

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17 Sep 2015, 2:19 pm

I try to avoid the news as much as possible. I don't know how other people can watch it on TV in the evenings and not be suicidal by the time it's over. I even read some people are addicted to the news. It's hard to believe some people think their lives are so boring they have to watch the lives of others being brutally ripped apart on TV.

I do go online to check the weather forecast, but they make a rain shower sound like the world is ending. In fact they're always telling us about how climate change is ruining the world and that polar bears are all going to die and mosquitoes are going to grow to the size of small birds.

It must be great being a weather reporter, though. The only job where you never get fired for constantly being wrong. :roll:


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17 Sep 2015, 2:25 pm

TV news in the US would be more properly classified as "entertainment" than "journalism". It's geared to a 5th grade mentality. :roll:

I usually get my news from non-US based websites---BBC, Al-Jazera America (don't scoff at it until you read it), and others.

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17 Sep 2015, 2:35 pm

I never watch the news. I think it is horrible. I don't think we are selfish for not watching it.

I tend to get very emotional and angry when I hear about the dumb stuff that is going on in the world and I don't like feeling that way.

Sometimes i get pissed when they start talking about celebrity gossip on the radio because it irks me in some way how people can be interested in things that are so trivial to me.


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17 Sep 2015, 2:40 pm

I only learn about the news by accident or when someone else is watching.


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17 Sep 2015, 2:41 pm

I watch the news on a daily basis. You may be able to ignore the world, the world won't ignore you.

When everyone is losing their heads except you, maybe you don't understand the situation.


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17 Sep 2015, 3:03 pm

I do not watch the news nor do I read the media, which in itself invites ridicule from others. My estrangement from the world continues to grow with each passing day and I couldn't care less!

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17 Sep 2015, 3:19 pm

I do watch the news in the evening, and also people often post news links on Facebook which I click on to read. It's nice to know what is going on in the world.

But lately I haven't watched the news, but I won't say why because it will stir up a lot of controversy here.




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17 Sep 2015, 4:06 pm

I still get a newspaper that I read every day, and I'll watch a little bit of news on TV, but usually from the BBC News channel that my cable has because it's more balanced than any of the US networks.


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17 Sep 2015, 4:42 pm

adoylelb90815 wrote:
I still get a newspaper that I read every day, and I'll watch a little bit of news on TV, but usually from the BBC News channel that my cable has because it's more balanced than any of the US networks.

I can't comment on BBC International but the BBC News here in the UK is far from unbiased. I don't mind keeping up-to-date on the news when it's from a reliable source and that's getting increasingly hard to find.

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17 Sep 2015, 5:02 pm

I read the daily mail online, mainly because of the comments rather than the news.