I want to read "All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome." I could really relate, I'm sure!
My one cat, Puffy, seems to have OCD, rather than AS traits. She licks constantly and sometimes she licks off patches of fur.
Prince likes to hide and is fond of closets.
Peter is somewhat clumsy.
Paul is my social cat and my Velcro Kitty, so I'm relatively certain he is not AS-like.
Samantha was my soulmate cat. She loved music, had tastes in food that were unusual for cats, could sometimes be touchy, but was extremely loving and loyal. She also had a love for water and fine jewelry. She was a very special cat. There will never be another like her.
C.C., our new cat, was all but ignored by her former owners, but she is adjusting well to life with us. She will sometimes bite if she's annoyed.