The poem seems a little off, aesthetically, with the line omitted. When I first read it, I didn't realize something had been deleted, and I thought, "Why is this line sitting by itself, with no line to rhyme with it? That's weird." Then I read further, and I thought, "Oh."
Also, I can think of perfectly logical reasons for God to want to create people with Asperger's syndrome. He could be thinking, "This one could invent something awesome that will improve life for many people." "This one's complete and total honesty will be a breath of fresh air in world full of liars." "This one's technology skills will help this company, which will grow more powerful, and in turn, hire many other people who need jobs.." "This one's amazing talents will benefit this organization that will help many needy children." "This one will blow the whistle on the corruption in this company run by evil men." "This one will have to overcome many difficulties, but he will bring out the best in several other people who normally would not have found it in themselves to be so kind and patient and giving." "This one will be fascinated by penguins. Penguins are cool. I thought I did a good job on the penguins." I mean to ask God about these things someday.
Ichigo: "Dude.. your sister is Scary."