Shelby, I want to go on and post something, but I can't... It won't let me log on... I get an error. Okay I'm trying IE and now I can create an account but my computer is dragging. It will take me awhile to psot...
Here's what I want to say:
Are you sure your child is recovered? I don't doubt your child has made great progress, but I do worry what if you have made a mistake getting all his diagnoses removed?
Thinking back on my own life I probably could have made a good DAN story. I "recovered" in a lot of ways. I adapted to my world around me. I can become social and indistinguishable from my peers in many aspects… I was mainstreamed with a good IEP plan. I made it through, graduated high school top 10% of my class. Does that remove me from my PDD NOS diagnosis? No it doesn’t.
Even though I look and speak almost in every way as a non autistic person, I still have my hang-ups. Unfortunately because I appear so “normal” I’m running into a lot of dilemmas as an adult trying to get services that could help me live independently. I’m trying so hard to get SSI but keep getting denied because they can’t see past the fact I am highly verbal.
What they don’t see is thrust into new situations, I feel clueless, lost and confused… This gets in the way. They don’t see that I can get so involved into something and forget to eat until I become very hungry and my mood crashes. They don’t see that I need prompting to know when to do things, otherwise I don’t do them. Some would call it laziness, but it isn’t… It is one of the hang-ups with my disability and I’m trying to overcome it, but it would be nice to have support.
By taking away the diagnoses from your son, you are removing that support from him. Maybe he doesn’t need it now, but you can’t see the future. What if he finds himself where I am at 24, confused, but even more so than I am, because at least I can get some support, knowing I have my diagnosis and that there are a few services out there to help people like me with disabilities. Your son will have nothing. He will be on his own and potentially completely lost…
Edit: I thnk I have it posted now.
Last edited by MJIthewriter on 27 Apr 2008, 8:54 am, edited 2 times in total.