Mw99 wrote:
I liked this forum. Then one day I publicly revealed that a shrink who saw me was convinced that I don't have Asperger's, and ever since I feel I've received a different treatment from some of the members of this forum. It's like, they don't see me as a member of the pack any more. As a result of this treatment, I'm not sure I like aspies anymore. Could it be that aspies are not that different from NT's after all? Or could it be that I mistakenly projected too many undeserved positive qualities onto aspies? I really don't know. Please help me understand.
NT's and aspies do have stuff in common but the problem is, not if people keep thinking that because we all have the same diagnosis that we are all the same. NT's are not all nice good people and they aren't all evil bad people. The same for those on the autistic spectrum. Not all are nice, not all are mean and violent.
Maybe you are and maybe you aren't. I may have misunderstood what you meant in another topic and you were being sarcastic. You could very well be on the spectrum. Best advice is neurologist. You could have another problem instead or multiple problems.
Being aspie doesn't mean you don't want friends or relationships. There are so many stereotypes that don't really fit with alot of people because these stereotypes pick apart individuality and try to lump all together. Some of the stereotypes like stimming fit alot on the spectrum but it doesn't mean that all do the same stim.