Lies about AS... They say we don't engage in creative..

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07 May 2008, 6:57 am

I am starting to believe that 50% of what we read about AS are blatant lies and cheap manipulative propaganda to sell NT the most convenient truth.

They say we do not engage in creative activities. I know we do not pretend to manipulate outcomes by persuading and empathizing. At least I feel this way.

But "normal" people can't understand how do we mentally manipulate numbers or how do we approach solutions with seemingly unconnected ideas...

We are sythemizers, at least that's the way I feel, once again... I want to know how do you feel about this?

There's a list of suspected AS people, and they are scientists, artists, politicians, composers... they're creative people.

According to wikipedia creativity is: a mental process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations between existing ideas or concepts.

So the NT cosmovision is that we are HUMANBOTS! unable to engage in creative activities because we won't "empathize" ?

I do not feel we are superior in any way! Quite the contrary we are outnumbered!

What do you think?

Last edited by _BRI_ on 07 May 2008, 7:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

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07 May 2008, 7:14 am

Creative ability has never been in dispute. However, we are said to have difficulty with social imagination, but certainly not creative.


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07 May 2008, 7:16 am

I know I'm a creative person! Logic can confuse me at times. Yea, the way I reach my solutions can be unorthodox, but trust me, I can ghetto rig ANYTHING.

And I ought know, I'm broke, jobless, live in the ghetto, so I HAVE to creatively think outside the box. And so far, it seems to be working.

And all the NT's I know praise the fact that they never would have thought of the solutions to some things that I have!

So yea, those jealous NT's saying we don't think creatively... I'm sure some don't, and its probably the exact same percentage as the population of NT's who aren't creative.

Or less, since to learn and adapt to an NT world... we have to think about everything they find instictive.


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07 May 2008, 7:27 am

I believe they mean a lack of creative play as a child; which is somewhat erroneous when it's applied to AS, as it's more of an Autistic Disorder/Atypical Autism thing.

The individual with Autistic Disorder won't play with their toys in a "normal" and creative manner, but the child with AS plays with their toys in a normal manner, it's just usually obsessive over a certain type of toy (the little girl who only likes horses for example), and perhaps solitary play (barring siblings).


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07 May 2008, 7:59 am

I am definitely creative - I just like to create different things to NT's!


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07 May 2008, 8:01 am

I'm a very creative person. I have all of my artwork to prove it.

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07 May 2008, 8:02 am

The oddest thing is that i consider er every character I've created to be social in some way. 8O

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07 May 2008, 8:04 am

I am an extremely imaginative person. On the outside I can seem as cold as ice but on the inside I am a dreamy idealist.

My Blog: My Autistic Life

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07 May 2008, 8:21 am

I'm not an aspie....However I do have another ASD though (dx'ed with classic autism, but very high functioning in adulthood, so more likely HFA or PPD-NOS, I don't care to look into it further). Anyway.....I am very what if I couldn't play a make believe game with a toy car and would rather spin it's wheel for hours.....that doesn't mean I wasn't thinking of ways to make the toy car work better, the wheel spin even more smoothly, etc. So what if I would ignore a room of toys and be fascinated with a door hinge? Maybe I was trying to see how it worked so I could make a better one. So what if I took Barbie dolls apart limb by limb...I was trying to gain a better understanding of Barbie doll anatomy.

I may not have engaged in imaginative play as a child, but that's doesn't mean I have no creativity.

My career actually demands that I be creative, and actually it's very well suited to the particular type of creativity I create things. I can't draw, I can't sing, I can't make up stories, but I can create things, and take things and processes already in existence and find ways to make them better.

I am a formulation chemist and I work in the personal care and cosmetics industry, with a background in engineering. I have made anything from shampoo to mascara. My job requires me to have an advanced understanding of the functionality of raw materials and be able to understand how they interact with each other to make a product. Because I often don't follow a normal thought process (whatever that means), I often see connections where other people don't. I don't go from A to B to C to D....often I go straight from A to D and think of and E, F and maybe a G. I often "think outside the box" as my boss puts it.

I have eleven US patents....five of them were applied for before my 21st birthday.....

Being autistic, I'm supposed to be less creative than I have no doubt aspies can be very creative.


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07 May 2008, 8:32 am

I have a wall full of awards for writing, producing and voicing commercials for over 30 years. I make my living now designing custom tattoos, and have two novels in the works. Anyone who thinks Aspies aren't creative simply doesn't know any Aspies.

I do think it's just a way of marginalizing us into a classification that can be conveniently and summarily ignored.


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07 May 2008, 8:33 am


The clinical picture of Autistic Disorder changes over time; some people will gain certain skills that they were delayed in (speech for example), others won't.

I never gained imaginative play, even now, but I gained speech. Everyone's mileage varies.

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07 May 2008, 8:42 am

I mentioned that I never did engage in imaginative play, and I still am not able imagination works differently that's all. It's actually the same type of imagination I had as a child (supposedly the wring type). I was supposed to be playing make believe with other kids, not sitting in a corner playing with a door hinge...apparently this means I'm not creative.....

I understand autism is a spectrum disorder.....some will have or develop skills others won't. I didn't mean to imply all people with autism or AS are like me. I meant to imply people with ASD's can be creative in different ways.....not all NT's are creative and I don't expect everyone with an ASD to be either.....but to generalize it by saying all aspies aren't creative is just silly....

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07 May 2008, 9:06 am

_BRI_ wrote:
I am starting to believe that 50% of what we read about AS are blatant lies and cheap manipulative propaganda to sell NT the most convenient truth.

I wouldn't say 50% of what is said about AS is lies...but some of it is flawed (especially the part which says we lack imagination).
I have always been very creative and have always had a vivid imagination. At school, writing was my best subject. I could create stories, poetry and write plays about a wide range of different things, and still can.

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07 May 2008, 9:17 am

Brittany2907 wrote:
I could create stories, poetry and write plays about a wide range of different things, and still can.

That's interesting. I can write poetry, but I do such through pattern recognition; there's only a certain few words that rhyme, words that are associated to others with metaphor/simile, and other forms of figurative speech.

I don't have imagination (I lack it completely, just like empathy); Daniel the robot.

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07 May 2008, 9:31 am

There's a list of suspected AS people, and they are scientists, artists, politicians, composers... they're creative people.

According to wikipedia creativity is: a mental process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations between existing ideas or concepts.

So the NT cosmovision is that we are HUMANBOTS! unable to engage in creative activities because we won't "empathize" ?

I don't think creativity is what most people consider them to be,
it's not a sudden burst of ideas, the ideas don't come from nowhere, in fact, I believe that creativity is about fixing a number of ideas together and sort of like rotating them or observing them in different perspective to find something new, comparing and contrasting what we already know can help us gain new insights. This is something both NTs and people with AS can be good at, though they might do it in a different manner. Yep so people with AS can definitely be creative.

Blue Jay
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07 May 2008, 9:39 am

Transmogrifier wrote:
There's a list of suspected AS people, and they are scientists, artists, politicians, composers... they're creative people.

According to wikipedia creativity is: a mental process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations between existing ideas or concepts.

So the NT cosmovision is that we are HUMANBOTS! unable to engage in creative activities because we won't "empathize" ?

I don't think creativity is what most people consider them to be,
it's not a sudden burst of ideas, the ideas don't come from nowhere, in fact, I believe that creativity is about fixing a number of ideas together and sort of like rotating them or observing them in different perspective to find something new, comparing and contrasting what we already know can help us gain new insights. This is something both NTs and people with AS can be good at, though they might do it in a different manner. Yep so people with AS can definitely be creative.