What you all think?
When i was in school, I had a hard time keeping up in school, when i
had to write, the teacher would be having us take notes and i
tried but i felt like everybody was going too fast for me. I would
always complain that my arm was hurting, i felt pain in it, it
hurts to write, alot of times in some classes the teacher would
give me the overhead copy to copy. It helped me. I felt alot
of times that i had too much writing to do, it was overwhelming it stressed me out , i sometimes felt like i wanted to scream
because it was frustrating me. I couldn't keep up with the other
students and i finally got to use a alpha smart pro when i was in
11th grade and i suffered most of my life trying to write and get my
work done and i write big too and i write very,very,very slow and i
am lucky if i get one assignment down . I had times that teachers
would write for me and there was times that i felt inside that i
need to write for myself instead of people writing for me ,but i
started understanding that the teachers tried to help me get my work
done quicker. It takes 2 to 4 hours to sometimes take a test but i
want to try the hardest that i can and i want good grades. I always
want my letters to be perfect . I have a hard time writing with a
pencil or any other thing that it irriates my hand , It's not
comfortable. I have tried gray tape, and other tape and grippers,
fat pencils,but none of it worked , it is uncomfortable to grip a
pencil , it makes me so stressed out. Sometimes i cry because i
can't grip the pencil to be comfortable and i have tried other ways
to hold the pencil but it didn't work and i have a hard time and it
takes times away from my assignment and it takes me longer to get
started on my work and i want to know if this
is dysgraphia or what and i been told that to not go to college ,
that it is not a good idea. i found out that i have dyspraxia, i searched for answers for along time and finally know the truth that i have dyspraxia and that explains my difficulty with gym, that explains why i run the way i do and why i have problems with alot of different things and it explains why i start getting tensed up when i hear a storm and i am so scared of storms, and i have started wearing a sweatshirt with a hood on it and have my hood on my head to feel protected and secured also,i have slept with my hood on my head. That also explains why some kinds of clothes irritate me also is uncomfortable to wear, and I have to tuck my shirts in to not feel the tags in my clothes and so i can't feel the scratchy tags on my skin. It also explains why my hands shake when i try to do certain things. It also explains why i walk too close to things and people. It also explains why i have limited fine motor skills.
It also explains why i take along time to get a assignment done.
I notice that my niece has better motor skills i have i think and it doesn't take her long to get something done.
by the way this is something i wrote in the past.
but if you want me to change some of this and let me know, i will work on it.
I believe i have dyspraxia but i have never been tested for it but i will get tested sometime, i need to ask my doctor.
Just a mini-rant here: No teacher should be allowed to make it that hard for people to take a class. Every bit of material should be in writing and made available on paper, digital format, and for download. No one should be forced to take notes, period. The best minds aren't necessarily the best note-takers or test-takers, or the best at taking the stress.