roygerdodger wrote:
Don't ask when I got this from:
-Who's always desperate for attention (especially in having some kind of relationship).
-Who always likes competition a lot.
-Who tries to be like everybody else.
-Who's always super-sensitive.
-Who's always is super-obsessed with one (or few) things.
That sounds exactly, precisely like my former partner. She is way more affected by AS than me.
- Her desperation for attention was actually because she needed someone to take care of her, to explain life and people, to help her negotiate the everyday world, and control her very rigid AS mindset.
- Her competitiveness was very childlike: she HAD to win card games or Monopoly etc. If she didn't win, she would have a silent meltdown and withdraw for days.
- She tries her very best to be and act 'normal'. She has a great act out in the world and seems very NT, albeit a very shy one (a mutual acquaintance said once that she's very bland and adds nothing to a social gathering - which sounded unkind but then the acquaintance didn't know about the AS) . The act takes an enormous amount of effort, which takes hours and days for her to recover from. Only those who are very close to her experience this side of her. She knows that she has all these difficulties but she's very deceptive about them.
- Supersensitivity? From having amazing hearing, to excruciating sensitivity to any hint of criticism. It was impossible to have a conversation about our relationship and e.g. what I needed because she immediately jumped to the conclusion that I was attacking her (rather than trying to negotiate caringly). The other side of the coin is that she is intensely critical of people yet doesn't realise how hurtful her criticisms are. No prizes for guessing why this person never had a satisfying partner relationship.
- My former partner has three or four very special interests which would easily identify her if I posted them here. She pursued a couple of them to great lengths. One could actually have been a useful potential career/lifestyle - but she was far too scared of change to make the leap. Plus she was not able to understand the need to work in a team in order to make it happen.
Sounds like I'm sniping about her? Well, apart from illustrating Roygerdodger's queries, she was unwittingly very abusive. It was a very salutary lesson for me - almost like having a mirror even though I know my AS is minimal in comparison. So I do wish her well and that she finds someone who can live with all this and help support her better than I could. Actually, I really wish that she could accept and begin to understand her AS - she's very arrogant in some ways and feels very superior to others in many ways. (Hey, guys, AS people are not all that easy to live with a lot of the time - let's be honest!!)