I did, resent them/hold a grudge, for years. First my father for strictness etc, then my mother.
My mother because she had weaned me, ( onto cow's milk and wheat and sugared foods etc) , way too early, and probably created a lot of my auto-immune disorder problems, and who knows what effect on my life as a result of food, esp gluten, intolerance's effects on mental health generally, and brain development in infancy etc.
I also resented my mother for breastfeeding not on demand, but by the clock.
And for their not having homeschooled me despite my Dad being a fan of John Holt and Ivan Illich, and that obviously it was because he was a teacher he could not homeschool his children while continuing to teach in schools, with a clear conscience, ( cognitive dissonance) .
I also resented them for calling me "lazy, greedy, selfish, and untrustworthy/unreliable" when it was "inertia, sugar and wheat addiction, inability to put myself in other people's shoes, and poor executive function".
Since finding out about Aspergers /AS I have realised my mother has OCD tendencies, and that my father is probably AS, and that they didn't know how to do better either.
But the main thing which has changed in the 10 months since really getting that "AS is me", is that I understand. I really needed that.