I am from metro detroit too . Im actually from the west bloomfield area if you know where that is. I just found out about AS myself 2 months ago, so I am in the same boat as you.
I am currently in the process of telling my parents about AS (doing it slowly in stages), so I might have some hints.
You might want to go to the library tommorrow to read up on AS before you tell your parents or other people. I am not doubting you have it, but its a good idea to research AS before you claim you do. That way if your parents ask about AS, you have answers for them. There is a book called 'Solutions for Adults with Asperger Syndrome' by Juanita Lovett. I read that and it does a fairly decent job talking about AS in adults. Even if you dont have AS, you may find some of the info useful.
Also, try taking this test:
Just click the 'I accept' button, and fill out the 151 questions. It is not a sure bet to say wether or not you have AS, but its a good indication.