Ever been picked on by a teacher mercilessly? misunderstood?

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25 Jul 2008, 5:57 pm

gbollard wrote:
I used to make a lot of stuff up - or assume the bleeding obvious. I was constantly harassed for my sources.

I could never remember my sources a lot of the time.
I knew it was true, and that I'd read it in something reputable, but which one it was, no idea. So referencing was always fun.


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30 Jul 2008, 2:17 pm

I was always teacher's pet and the quickest student.
I had teachers who really pushed me, but that's a different thing.


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30 Jul 2008, 4:06 pm

Picked on mercilessly, per se? No. Subjected to aversives mercilessly? Yes, as were several of my classmates. I've been spanked, had my mouth covered, restrained, locked in dark closets, and others I'm probably forgetting. If this sort of thing happens to just one or two kids in a class however, I can see where it would cross the line into actually being "picked on."


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30 Jul 2008, 4:14 pm

I have the perfect example of this.
When I was in 3rd grade, we had a school play. We were insects celebrating the birth of Jesus. I was a firefly.
I kept flashing my flashlight on and off, you know, to be realistic.
The teacher yelled at me for trying to upstage the baby jesus.
So I was like "you think I was trying to upstage a DOLL?"
She was my enemy for the rest of the year, making various unsolicited comments (remember - I was 7!) on my "snooty" behavior...


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30 Jul 2008, 4:25 pm

yes by one teacher grade k through 6. It was heck!! !


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31 Jul 2008, 4:52 am

the bullying i got came from students mostly
i tried to report them but the teachers wouldn't do anything.

i had this one teacher that was weird (other people complained about her too (nts)
well this one time i was doing an oral presentation where you talk infront of the class (hard for me) and she kept interupting to clarify the obvious. anyway i took a step (tiny one) in her direction and she said don't hit me. i just rolled my eyes and that was the end of that.
when people hand in their work on time (like i always did and my sister did too she would complain about this too) she would give it to other people that didn't finish theirs (as an example she would say) and they would just copy it. and they would end up getting better marks then the ones that did it by themselves in the first place!

lots of students didn't like her much (my siblings had her too and they did not like her either)
she had no idea what she was doing.


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31 Jul 2008, 5:11 am

my PE teacher :oops:

Used to just stand there watching me stimming back and forth and trying to get back into my shoes/clothes after practice, she'd always single me out for questions I was rarely ready to answer, she'd mock me openely, I truly loathed her, and made it my mission to get an A in her class for GCSE, which I did. Yay :D


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31 Jul 2008, 1:04 pm

its ther way of retribution

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31 Jul 2008, 1:16 pm

I cannot believe what I'm reading! (yes I can) I feel so bad for all of you that have been abused by teachers! My son who is now 13 and has asperger's had a couple of those kind of teachers. Thank God that my son would tell me everything that would happen at school...who said what, etc. Let me tell you, I studied IDEA, got an advocate, had to write a few letters to FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Policy Act) and to OCR (Office for Civil Rights) and now when I have IEP meetings, they're listening. My son will be in a new school this year...i'm sure I'll have to fight again with these teachers, but if they look at my son's records, they'll know that I'm not going to put up with them treating my son badly. I wish I could have advocated for you!

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01 Aug 2008, 10:57 pm

I've managed to block out most of my primary (1st to 6th grade) schooling years but from the few bad memories I can gleam, I was the proverbial 'whipping girl' simply because it was a well known fact that I was the ONLY deaf girl in the ENTIRE school.

Looking back, I'd say they weren't even aware of it but at the time, most of my teachers talked down to me and AT me rather than TO me which led to me being covered in spittle whilst developing a severe "personal space intrusian" complex.

Even now, a good twelve years on, I still hate it when people come any closer than arm's lenght. I've punched out, kicked, shoved and screamed at people for doing this. They just won't listen when I explain that such things make me nervous and like a frightened animal, I will lash out when backed into a corner.

From 5th to 6th grade, there was one boy in particular who singled me out for bullying.

His name was Daniel and I still have a very vivid memory of being in Ms O' Hanlon's class one day just after we'd all returned from Summer Vacation.
I've always had an obsession with high-end professional grade writing instruments and at the time- when I was 10 years old-I had a huge collection of neon-coloured gel pens that Ms O' Hanlon graciously allowed me to use with gusto.

(She was one of the few kind-hearted teachers who recodnized me as an Aspie even before I knew it myself.)

Anyhoo, I'd forgotten my pencil case on this particular day so I had to make due with a purple gel pen I carried in a side pocket of my uniform for spare use. (I also have an obsession with purple things :P )
Long story short, I put the pen down on the table when I went to the bathroom and when I came back, it was gone.

I searched high and low for the pen and kept asking everyone if they'd seen it but just when all hope seemed lost, I found it under a nearby table. It had rolled under Daniel's bag and when I was bending down to retrieve it, he stormed up to me and yanked it out of my hand, accusing me of stealing.

He told on me and he and the rest of the class began accusing me of theft.

I constantly mantained my innocence and the only person who believed me was the teacher as she knows about the particular, distinctive type I pen I use. She ordered Daniel to give back the pen but he kept on raging that it was HIS pen and it got to the point where she started to believe him rather than me.

So we all went outside for recess, but I stayed behind and managed to steal back my purple pen.

Daneil tattled on me again and I got in trouble for stealing but when the teacher was giving out to me, I clearly recall getting fed up with the whole thing and snapping the pen in half.
"So NO-ONE gets to use the pen", as it were.

I got told off and had to write out lines of "I must not steal" on the black board as punishment whilst Daniel got away scot free.

He continued to torment me by calling me names, hidding my schoolbooks and stationary and generally being just a little s**t to the point where I'd come home crying, eventually refusing to go to school because of him.

To compound my misery, a young girl named Lisa had infiltrated my tiny group (two strong) circle of friends and upon hearing about my hearing and apparent "learning difficulties" that stemmed from having trouble with sounds, she bullied me mercilessly for it.

It got so bad that I started bunking off school. I must have missed about 4 or 5 months in total because of those two little f**kers but with Lisa, things were even worse as some of her reletives worked in the school's administration building.

That and it's really no cliche to say that little girls are "cruel b*****s".

So I'm sitting there in the playground one day, silently stewing with the stress of the bullying and the flippant, "we're monitoring the situation but not actively doing anything about it" attitude towards it when something just snaps inside of me.

I started stalking Lisa (READ: Sit behind a tree and observe her) and began to ignore her whenever she called me a ret*d or stole my friends away from me, all the while watching her routine to establish a game plan.

A few weeks after the pen incident, I struck.

I was pretty savvy about the school rules and I knew that once I was off school property, the atriocious juristicion for punishment didn't apply. I waited until the school let out for the day and as she was walking through the gates heading for home, I let her get off school property and then I tapped her on the shoulder.

When she turned around, I punched her so hard in the right eye that she didn't come to school for three full days and when she finally DID show her sorry face, she had the mother of all shiners.

That epic bruise didn't go away for a month but both she and everyone else never bothered to get on my bad side again.

The best thing about the incident was that as school was officially ver and we we'rent in the schoolyard at the time, I didn't get into trouble.
I DID get a half-hearted lecture from my teacher about how violence never solves anything but I just rolled my eyes and bluntly told her that if the school had acted to my cries for help in the first place, I wouldn't have had to punch someone to get them to stop bullying me.

She was left speachless after that! XD

Nowadays, everytime I see Lisa out and about, I've noticed that she keeps her head down around me and has that look of a dog who just crapped on the carpet and got a huge smack with a rolled up newspaper.

I know it's wrong but I can't help but smirk at that.

I'd post about the evil soul-sucking succubus that is my 8th and 9th grade Home Economics teacher but it's currently 5am and this post is big enough as it is!


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02 Aug 2008, 4:00 pm

My fifth grade teacher at the school for the gifted was one of those rigid people who don't understand how someone who is good at something besides math could be considered talented. We were actually forbidden to use metaphors and similes in speech. I remember when a curly-haired boy once said that it helped him to think of geometrical rays as being like the rays of the sun. He was given detention for using "imprecise speech."

She was also Jewish and was very suspicious of all gentiles, which was bad for me.

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03 Aug 2008, 5:40 pm

Yes, a few teachers picked on me.

My PE teacher in elementary school hated me. I have physical disabilities as well as dyspraxia and Asperger's syndrome (the latter had not been diagnosed at the time though). She often yelled at me how she was sick and tired of me and how annoying it was that I was different and in need of accommodations. She picked on me for my problems all the time and humiliated me in front of the other kids. When I didn't understand some instructions she punished me for misbehaving or accused me of being lazy. I felt anxious and nauseous before every PE class for years, until I got another teacher. :?

A math teacher in high school picked on me too. I had dared to correct her mistakes a couple of times and I was not aware of the unwritten rule that "the teacher is always right and never makes mistakes". Apparently it's better to have 30 students learn an incorrect method than to embarrass a teacher by correcting her mistakes.

My first grade teacher was terrifying to me too, although I don't think she particularly picked on me any more than on others. She just often yelled very suddenly at me or somebody else in class and I rarely understood why and it always startled me, so I always felt really uncomfortable in class, because I never knew what to expect or how to please her so she wouldn't yell at me.


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03 Aug 2008, 6:28 pm

MissPickwickian wrote:
My fifth grade teacher at the school for the gifted was one of those rigid people who don't understand how someone who is good at something besides math could be considered talented. We were actually forbidden to use metaphors and similes in speech. I remember when a curly-haired boy once said that it helped him to think of geometrical rays as being like the rays of the sun. He was given detention for using "imprecise speech."

She was also Jewish and was very suspicious of all gentiles, which was bad for me.


that reminds me of my religious education teacher(catholic school i went too) who yelled at a girl for reading a novel(not the bible) during a religious retreat. weird cos she also taught english.
she made a big deal of me and another girl playing cards with the male teachers. do not know why. (it was a game called chase the ace, where if you ended up with an ace you ended up winning or losing i forgot which, we had matchsticks, and if you ran out of matchsticks you were out of the game).

i am lucky that teachers did not pick on me like they did with other peoples.


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03 Aug 2008, 7:07 pm

tweety_fan wrote:
i am lucky that teachers did not pick on me like they did with other peoples.

Teachers either love or hate me. Indifference is rare.

Loved me: first grade, third grade, fourth grade, second half of fifth grade at the public school, sixth grade English, SixGr math, SixGr science, my mother when I was homeschooling, biology, mythology, art, Latin (same teacher as mythology), Hon. English II, algebra, AP Euro, drama

Hated me: kindergarten, second grade, first half of fifth grade at the gifted school, sixth grade history, public speaking, health, geometry

Indifferent: chemistry

It may look like I was the pet for most of my little career, which is technically true, but this is balanced by the fact that the teachers that hated me REALLY REALLY HATED ME.

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03 Aug 2008, 8:07 pm

i had a teacher fail me in the past for this kind of thing... he even directly insulted me many times >_< explaining that i have AS didnt help at all, he didnt understand it - he didnt want to understand it.


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03 Aug 2008, 11:40 pm

What is worst than a bully teacher? ---> a teacher who wants to help you in the wrong way. The worst thing of school for me was when we had to do "group work" and as I didn't have friends and couldn't socialize, I was left alone and the teacher (any teacher) yelled "who wants to work with her?" ---> too bad I didn't have the knowledge to say "hey thanks, but that won't make me have friends, it'll only humilliate me and make work ankward, just let me work alone please".

Most teachers liked me a lot or at least tolerated me. As a girl in a feminine catholic school, being rather quiet and introverted was seen as a good thing. But my first grade teacher didn't like me because I was upgraded from kinder. She made me feel bad and once she hit me - i think it was with a ruler. Of course, she got fired.

In my last grade (in another school - the one beside the first one!), my spanish teacher always treated me badly. I was no saint either (I had this thing that I did homework but I didn't give it because I thought , but she wanted to give me a 0% total when I deserved at least a 50% (diff. grading system), just so I couldn't graduate. This is a different system, and two or three subjects are part of an "area" and the area's grade is what counts in the end. So they had the teacher's meeting and she said she would give me a 0 'cause I didn't deserve to graduate, and the english teacher (the other subject in the language area) said he'd give me 100% then 'cause I was the best in his class and I won english song trophies for the school and then I would graduate anyway, and then teachers started arguing and taking sides over me. I must have been funny. The day I graduated, when I received my diploma, she hugged me and said "Lucia, life is tough, remember it", and I was all like "noooooo shiz!". That was soool arrogant of her, like if she knew me.

Oh, and I suffer from micraines and I'm allergic to painkillers. So, in the middle of a chemistry exam, I had a migraine so strong I couldn't even speak or do anything. I could hear the teacher was saying something but I didn't understand, so I started to "write" (nothing intelligible of course). I was crying and never lifted my head, and I could barely mumble something to my only friend in 9 grade after class (she couldn't see me during class). She took me to nursery and I laid down, and when the lady asked me what happened, I tried to speak, but I could only mumble unintelligible stuff and the lady just said "speak clearly! other girls come here and tell me what happens! you're just faking so you can get out of class!". Then, she calmly called home so they would come for me, and told my mom maybe I had a drug problem. My mom (according to what she told me) verbally abused her, not because she suggested I was on drugs, but because it never crossed her mind to call an ambulance since a speech impediment could be a sign of a seizure or some kind of emergency. Mom was right: it was only a really strong headache on my case, but who knows what else could have it been? what would happen the day a girl dies because the nurse thinks she's just acting up to get out of class? - I took a drug test as soon right then, just so I could shove the results in the nurse's face in front of the principal and discipline coordinator. Three weeks later my exam was returned by my chemistry teacher, with a 0% in it. The worst of it, she just graded it normally and gave it to me like everything was fine. She didn't know about the migraine (she should have seen it! she took my exam from my desk!), but anyone with two eyes could see there was nothing but confusing lines than made no sense - she should at least have gotten mad and asked me for an explanation, then I could have told her about the migraine.