Ok, allow me to explain the situation.
1) We own the server that AFF is hosted on. Ergo, no Hosting problems.
2) 1&1 provide our DNS. DNS is what translates a url, for example www.aspiesforfreedom.com into an IP, in this case HOWEVER, 1&1 have messed up, and now the URL translates to; AFF is up, it's been up all along.
3) Even once 1&1 corrects their DNS, it will take time to proliferate, thus, some people will get back in before others can.
4) Once again; AFF is up, it's been up all along, the problem is not our end.
if anyone wants to get back in RIGHT NOW, then find your hosts file (in windows, its under...
XP Pro; c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
XP Home; c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
Vista; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
open "Hosts" with notepad,and put www.aspiesforfreedom.com
as the last line; save it, make sure you remove the .txt extension afterwards. I take no responsibility for any damage. if anyone wants proof that this works, then ask and I'll provide screenies etc.)
if anyone has any questions, just ask.
Currently, Korrigan, JoeSteel, Richie and Myself are the only people that I know of that have used this trick.
WomanFromMars has also used this trick sucessfully, and is now able to post again. as have Outsidel00kingin, anbuend and EvilZakkie, Fogman, Docmartin, Scooter and a few names I do not recognise.
There is no need to perform this trick, unless you really really really want to get back in now; really, if your Antivirus is any good, it won't let you.
Just wait for a few days for the correct DNS to filter down.
Edit: Spelling.
Last edited by pikajedi3 on 04 Aug 2008, 1:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.