Have been focused on autism for 1 1/2 year now, and I am starting to get the feeling that people find it annoying.
Same here for the same amount of time.
I can somehow relate autism to everything these days.
It is hard too when you are studying something (formaly). I am trying to study psychology however when I go to research stuff, no matter what the topic is, I all of a sudden realise that I am looking up or writing about autism.
At least it is a little more functional then previous interests such as names and family history.
e.g. "Hi my name is Verity Locke"
me: "Oh Locke, you might be related to my husband"
"Oh okay. What is his name?"
me: "oh no, like that was his great great great grandmother's maiden name. By the way, I like your name, it means truth...."