pad wrote:
Sorry my last post was a bit off topic... I didn't mean to turn any one off...

I see no need for you to apologize. There are certainly persons here that have their own various issues to work out - you can't expect to be able to speak your mind without rubbing someone the wrong way now and then. You can't hold yourself responsible for somone else's hang-ups.
I really appreciate your posting this info. It seems a lot of people come here very ignorant that there are distinct strengths to AS and that these strengths are recognized by others who are open-minded. It's no wonder they may been irked someone like my saying I'm proud of AS, because if all they understand about AS is negative, they can't possible see that my positive attitude is based on something
real about AS.
I voted independant thinking although unique global insights, cutting through the smoke screen and internal motivation come in very close behind that. For me, independant thinking enables me to have self-possession and so all this other traits can flourish. I can I demonstrate each one, and I think ratherly strongly as well. Not that I'm bragging or anything, but these are the things about myself since childhood I have always liked about myself and felt were my strengths, even when anyone else was trying to convince me I was flawed or deflective. Hence why finding out about AS wasn't a damnation for me - it was an affirmation.