Perfectly acceptable in a few circumstances:
You've finished the game at least several times; its no more challenge.
The game is buggy; Splinter Cell double agent is an example. I had to step around a corner shooting and killing a friendly NPC or the game locked up.
When you are playing alone in an open ended game.
Remember that what you are doing is playing a game. If you start modifying game files and things, thats a game... a different game. Think of Civilization, the Sims, Rogue-likes, and the exciting and soon arriving spore!
Some of the very most fun I have ever has was exploring hard to get to areas.. areas that the author thought you'd never be able to go. For example, in the first splinter cell, (without cheating) I found that I could do things out of order to ease the game later on. I also managed to climb things that were outside the coding of the enemies; I was too high for them to get at.
As long as its working your brain in new exciting ways, its still gaming, still fun. As long as its not taking advantage of other people.
Old style cheats were done with disk swaps; one of the only ways to get to maximum level in wasteland. It could be really fun in the goldbox AD&D games too.
davidred wrote...
I installed Ubuntu once and it completely destroyed my paying relationship with Microsoft.