-treat them as they are,and not what want them to be-dont over or under expect of them.
-dont let them know if are comparing them to own non autistic children if have any,dont treat them any lesser or better than the other children,and not tell them why cant they be like the other child or that they are a burden.
-if the child is severely affected and are struggling to care for them,dont take it out on them,and if this becomes an need,dont talk about childrens home placement around them,it can cause 'regression',never assume child doesn't understand language just because they're non verbal/speech impaired,as language impairment is a different problem to speech impairment.
-give them as much chance to communicate as possible,whether it's through voice,if able-or teach them through other means-text to speech programs,makaton,BSL/ASL,PECS etc. and watch their behavior as they will be using it to communicate,what may think is ignoring,violence,attention seeking etc may be them communicating.
-make sure they know they have a stable home and family and even if it isnt,try not to let it show around them.
-if they're very young,get a pet such as a cat or dog-autists are well known for connecting to animals even if are completely disconnected to humans, if are unable to have a pet-try a organisation like PAT [pets as therapy] instead.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
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