violentcloud wrote:
Are some of you people so friggin' ignorant that you dont even bother readin what people have said before you post!?! I've changed MY ENTIRE POINT to re-clarify, and you STILL crawl up my arse with your bloody pedantics! I struggle with language, ok? I'm a visual person! I can't cope well with language! I TRY TO MAKE MORE FRIGGIN SENSE AND YOU KEEP DWELLING ON STUFF I ALREADY BLOODY CORRECTED!
Oh the drama! Oh that's right - you're an artist.
Just like sociopath, the word antisocial has a very specific clinical and medical meaning that differ from your context. And antisocial personality is some who acts out in destructive ways
against society, such as lying, stealing and killing. Sorry if you feel I'm "crawling up your arse" but I couldn't resist. But at least you can't blame me for reading your later post.
Also emo's not new. It's been around for almost 20 years now.