[Volume III] You might be an aspie if...

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17 Sep 2008, 10:42 pm

You're an aspie if....

It bugs you when someone says a name wrong. Example: Someone calls Safeway, Safeways.

You say things that people already know

EDIT: You just had to edit this post because you saw an error in it.

Last edited by Spokane_Girl on 18 Sep 2008, 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.


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17 Sep 2008, 11:27 pm

serenity wrote:
DevonB wrote:
You know you're an aspie if:

You spend the whole movie pointing out inconsistencies and plot holes, as well as photography errors (her hair was over her shoulder in the last shot, why is it in the front now?)

I do this too, as well as point out when something is forensically implausible leading to being told
"it's only a movie" by whoever that I'm watching TV with. I also get shushed when I keep asking questions, because the plot is all convoluted, and hard to follow.

. . . you can't follow a lot of dramas because you can't recognize the characters if they change their hair or costume.

. . . you think Comedies are easier to follow, especially if it is word play.

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18 Sep 2008, 10:42 am

...you pause for a moment when someone tells you something bad that has happened to them, and then continue on with what you were going to say anyway, because you have learned that the pause is helpful socially.


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18 Sep 2008, 11:14 am

If you are watching every episode of Dr Who ever made, in order, from the beginning, including listening to the audios or reading the books where a particular story no longer exists in the BBC Archives.

Up to "The Space Museum" if there's any fellow Doc-heads on here (hate the term "Whovian")


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18 Sep 2008, 5:54 pm

ExcellentDriver wrote:
If you are watching every episode of Dr Who ever made, in order, from the beginning, including listening to the audios or reading the books where a particular story no longer exists in the BBC Archives.

Up to "The Space Museum" if there's any fellow Doc-heads on here (hate the term "Whovian")

Haven't done so, but am pretty damn close to having watched or read every story ever.

(No longer a mod)

On sabbatical...

18 Sep 2008, 8:10 pm

WillMcC wrote:
-You wish someone would fix the spelling of "Volume" in this thread's title
-You've ever lost yourself in Wikipedia
-Your find How It's Made much more entertaining than Friends
-You meet up with the local CARD/MAAP group and ask if anyone posts on Wrong Planet
-You spend hours thinking up things to add to this thread

You notice "volume" has finally been fixed.


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20 Sep 2008, 9:58 pm

...you ever read the entire UNABOMBER manifesto without knowing who wrote it, deceptively being called "Industrial Society and Its Future" without acknowledging that the author lives in a maximum security prison.

...you ever looked at a female dog and said, "What are those? There is like eight of them." Of course everyone laughs.

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20 Sep 2008, 10:43 pm

Spokane_Girl wrote:
WillMcC wrote:
-You wish someone would fix the spelling of "Volume" in this thread's title
-You've ever lost yourself in Wikipedia
-Your find How It's Made much more entertaining than Friends
-You meet up with the local CARD/MAAP group and ask if anyone posts on Wrong Planet
-You spend hours thinking up things to add to this thread

You notice "volume" has finally been fixed.

. . . if you fixed 'volume' because you just couldn't stand it anymore.


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20 Sep 2008, 10:55 pm

...you get angry when people don't say what they mean.
...you get angry when people don't mean what they say.
...you get angry when people get upset with you for simply saying what you mean.
...you get angry when people get upset with you for actually meaning what you say.


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21 Sep 2008, 12:53 am

You might be an aspie if:

1., when asked a “simple” question, you feel compelled to answer it with history dating back several years, and include a list of possible future pitfalls!
2., after they demand a yes/no answer, you are seething with anger because they forced you to “lie” by giving them the best answer of the two.
3.you use obscure movie references to illustrate interesting points.
4.you map out your destination to the smallest detail, and try to shop in the most efficient, yet proper manner. Like the most direct path to get non perishable, and then perishable goods.
5.you had to go through this list to make sure that, at least in this volume, nobody else gave these same statements.
6.you are doing EVERYTHING on your websites and tried to make them all one giant system.
7.having done a major O/S update, and finding that the new security system has disabled stuff, learn everything that is wrong, and try to connect them through the database, and not linked libraries.
8.your websites are mostly for you, and other interests have taken over, so the downtime isn't a big concern.
9.you study various languages knowing that you may not ever really use them because you aren't that social, and haven't taken a real vacation in almost 20 years.
10.due to all this, curiosity, etc...., you are still on WP after 1:30am.


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21 Sep 2008, 1:48 am

You might be an Aspie if?

1. You must drive the same way you always do eventhough someone else in your car knows a short cut.

2. You make your husband miss his bus because your son took some of your cd's out of your car and you cant drive without them.

21 Sep 2008, 9:37 am

You're an aspie if

You do not like people calling you because it holds you up from watching your TV show before work.

You unplug your phone after getting two phone calls. No interruptions.

You do not like people taking things out of your car and not say anything

You don't like someone making changes in your home such as moving something from one room to another room or something from one side of the room to the other side.


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21 Sep 2008, 3:36 pm

... You separate a bag of skittles in to colours, and then eat each colour group in order.

... You have an argument with your mum because she thinks she could cut half an hour off your driving time but you refuse to deviate from your normal driving route

and yet

... You have to use sat nav for mentioned driving route (and any other route) even if you've driven it every week for several years or you get lost.

...If anybody who knew you was asked what your hobbies and interests are they would sigh and then list them perfectly.

...You have to resist the urge to hit people who you like because they tried to hug you when you weren't prepared.

...Your favourite thing to do as a child was to look through the argos catalogue

If you don't believe in dragons it is curiously true, that the dragons you disparage choose to not believe in you.

21 Sep 2008, 8:01 pm

You're an aspie if...

You call your dad on the phone and ask how your cat is doing, instead he says she died and you are shocked. You asked why didn't he tell you before and he says "I kept forgetting until you brought it up." But you wonder how could he forget, when your brother got in a car wreck he managed to remember to call you and tell you but he couldn't remember to call you and tell you your cat had just passed away.


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21 Sep 2008, 11:26 pm

. . . if your family didn't call you when your beloved uncle died because your roomate told them you went to Oregon ( to pick up your furniture from your rental unit and UHaul it back to South Dakota) and they hang up before the roomate tells them you are coming back, not leaving the message about your Uncle and you find out at your yearly call to mom on Mother' Day the next year.

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24 Sep 2008, 8:03 am

you might be an aspie if the only time you cried is when the doctor told you you have aspergers, cos it means you arent just a s**t mother, you are clinically selfish!