philosopherBoi wrote:
I personally think that autism does not cause mental retardation, I think that communication problems and the inability to overcome them prevent learns which gives the illusion of mental retardation.
The problem here is that communication problems preventing learning is one way IQ can be lowered. The environment can have an effect on IQ that can take you from average to mild MR in non-autistic people. Autism could do the same thing.
The "nice" thing about this cultural/familial MR is that it can often be remedied, especially if you start early, by providing a learning-friendly environment. That is why it is so important to teach autistic people to communicate; abstract language, if you can manage it, really gives you a big boost in the types of education you can access. There are cases where the verbal/performance gap is so big that you have somebody with a gifted performance IQ and a verbal IQ in the severe range... These seem to be the cases where mental retardation is assumed to have happened because the person doesn't "look smart" and doesn't score well on traditional IQ tests; I think in those cases they have used some non-word-oriented way to learn.
If we could find out how they do it, we might be able to teach autistic children who cannot master language, and do it much earlier. (The earlier the better--the younger the child, the quicker they learn, in general. Kids' brains are more adaptable than adults'.)