No I don't. I can't say the temptation to cuss in public is very strong in me, let alone overwhelming. I did fluff my lines once while singing a song, and the words that came out were utterly obscene, but I'm sure that was just an unfortunate accident
. Though I did wonder at the time.
As for tics, nothing that's way out of my own control. When I was a teenager my father once described to the rest of the family the way he'd noticed I'd been walking (we weren't getting on very well at all at the time, and he'd sometimes try to humiliate me like that, which was strangely out of character for him). Apparently my head didn't bob up and down enough while I was walking. I neither know nor care whether or not I still walk that way. Quite likely it's not the world's least noticeable walk, but thanks to modern political correctness, I'd sincerely hope that nobody halfway decent would think any the worse of me for it. Dad was decent usually, but nobody's perfect.
I do a few movements that I suppose are strange, mostly because I feel I don't know how I'm "supposed" to move. Kind of strangely graceful like Jack Sparrow, only probably not as sexy. And I probably have a few personal nuances like shrugging a lot, or going dum de dum for no apparent reason, which I seem to change periodically like fashion accessories
. But it's all typical NT or Aspie as far as I can tell. I could probably train myself out of those things if I had enough information, but I've got better things to do. People can love me, warts and all, or they can b***** off. End of rant.